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IBM Applauds Final Passage of Trade Promotion Authority
Jun 24,2015

IBM today marked final Congressional passage of trade promotion authority as a watershed moment in the history of U.S. trade policy, one that will position high-tech American businesses to expand into new markets and seize opportunities for growth in the worldwide digital economy.

(Editor’s Note: this page also includes other 2015 IBM statements, positions and perspectives on the importance of trade promoton authority to the digital economy.)

Washington, D.C. – IBM today welcomed the U.S. Senate’s passage of trade promotion authority, the final step in sending the bill for signature by the President, with the following statement:

“Today’s passage of TPA sets a historic precedent in U.S. trade policy, one that positions America’s data-driven businesses to access new markets, pursue new innovations and drive growth that creates new high-tech career opportunities here at home.

We applaud leaders in both Houses of Congress who worked tirelessly to ensure passage of this critical legislation, as well as all the members who voted to safeguard America’s leading role in the worldwide digital economy. As the administration now focuses on finalizing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, and the Trade in Services Agreement, they will find IBM a willing and active supporter.”
– Christopher A. Padilla, Vice President, IBM Government and Regulatory Affairs

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Media Contact:
Adam R. Pratt
(202) 551-9625

Download the statement (PDF, 199 KB)

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