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IBM Statement on Europe's Digital Single Market Strategy
May 06,2015

IBM today welcomed introduction of the European Commission’s Digital Single Market Strategy.

Brussels, Belgium – IBM today issued the following statement on Europe’s Digital Single Market Strategy:

“IBM welcomes the European Commission’s Digital Single Market Strategy – a good balance between benefitting the consumer and helping businesses compete in the digital sector in the international arena. We recognise the effort to adhere to Better Regulation principles to carry out further analysis and consultation before moving to a next phase.

The European ‘free flow of data’ initiative is timely, addressing unjustified restrictions on the location of data for storage or processing purposes. Companies from all sectors, large and small, aspire to compete internationally. The Digital Single Market can only support those aspirations when the European approach is compatible with the international market. This international approach applies to standards. As one of the largest IT employers in Europe, we look forward to being a positive partner in delivering the promises of the EU Single Market to consumers and businesses. The key challenge will be to improve Europe’s digital capability without this turning into a form of digital protectionism.”


Media Contact:
Adam R. Pratt
(202) 551-9625

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