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IBM Statement on Texas State Senate's Passage of Discriminatory "Bathroom Bill"
Jul 26,2017

Austin, TX – IBM (NYSE: IBM) today issued the following statement on the Texas State Senate’s passage of a discriminatory “bathroom bill:”

“IBM is disappointed that the Texas Senate passed SB 3, the discriminatory ‘bathroom bill’ that would negatively impact Texas as a preferred destination for investment and jobs. This bill hurts IBM’s ability to attract and retain talent in Texas, and goes against our company’s longstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion.

“Last week, I spoke directly with members of the Texas legislature about how a bathroom bill would negatively impact IBM’s ability to grow and invest in Texas. We have also heard from many of the 10,000 IBMers across the state who oppose this legislation and the harm it would inflict on their communities. It is now critical for the Texas House of Representatives to stand firm against this bill and ensure that Texas remains a welcoming place for businesses and families.

“IBM commends Speaker Joe Straus and Chairman Byron Cook for their leadership on this issue and we will continue to actively work to defeat this measure throughout the special session.”

– Diane Gherson, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, IBM


Media Contact:
Rachel Thomas

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