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IBM Statement on the European Parliament's “EU Digital Trade Strategy” Report
Nov 23,2017

Brussels – IBM (NYSE: IBM) today issued the following statement:

“Today’s ‘EU Digital Trade Strategy’ report adopted by the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee is a clear sign of the strengthening political will to have an ambitious Digital Trade chapter in EU Trade Strategy.”

“The European Parliament now joins the majority of EU Member States in supporting data flow provisions in trade agreements.  We commend the International Trade Committee and the report’s rapporteur, Marietje Schaake, on their call for the European Commission to finally develop a position. Given that Free Trade Agreements without data flow provisions risk damaging the global competitiveness of European business, we hope the European Commission will respond positively to these clear positions from the Council and Parliament.”

– Liam Benham, Vice President for European Government and Regulatory Affairs, IBM


Media Contact:
Anita Kelly

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