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IBM Applauds Passage of Legislation to Modernize Perkins Career and Technical Education Act
Jul 25,2018

Washington, D.C. – IBM today released this statement following passage by the House and Senate of legislation to bring American career and technical education programs into the 21st century:

“This is a critically important moment for students across the United States. When they head back to school this fall, they’ll be met by career and technical education programs that focus on in-demand skills and put them on track for successful careers.

“Modernizing the Perkins Act has been years in the making, and we extend sincere appreciation to leaders in Congress who guided this bill through to passage, especially Senators Alexander (R-TN), Murray (D-WA), Casey (R-PA) and Enzi (R-WY), and Representatives Foxx (R-NC) and Scott (D-VA).

“IBM several years ago made modernizing the Perkins Act one of our top policy priorities. We look forward to this bill being signed quickly into law so we can further accelerate our efforts to transform skills training and education across this country. America’s students deserve nothing less.”

Jennifer Ryan Crozier, Vice President, IBM Corporate Citizenship and President, IBM Foundation

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