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Category : Europe
Making Technological Sovereignty Work for Europe

Making technological sovereignty work for Europe means strengthening local digital capabilities in an open way with trusted partners, without excluding companies based on the location of headquarters. 

September 5, 2022
Categories: Europe, Hybrid Cloud
IBM welcomes proposed EU Data Act


February 23, 2022
Categories: Europe
IBM's perspective on the EU's Digital Services Act: Building Greater Trust in Technology


March 31, 2021
Categories: Europe, Privacy
Increasing cyber resiliency through Europe's NIS Directive Revision


March 18, 2021
Categories: Cybersecurity, Europe, Hybrid Cloud, Policy Lab Perspectives
IBM Policy Lab Live: An Economic Recovery Plan For Europe


November 11, 2020
Categories: Europe, Policy Lab Perspectives
Towards a Clear and Reliable Regulatory Framework on AI in Europe


November 11, 2020
Categories: Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Technology, Europe