Priti Desai

Developer AdvocateSoftware DeveloperOS Developer

Priti is a software engineer working on Tekton, an open source framework for creating CI/CD pipelines. Her focus is implementing Tekton Pipelines, the basic building blocks of a CI/CD workflow. She is also working on OpenWhisk, a serverless open source platform powered by Apache. Her core focus area includes serverless application development and OpenWhisk deployment tool. You can find her OpenWhisk journey/discoveries at her OpenWhisk Medium Publication. Before Tekton and OpenWhisk, she has worked on OpenStack for about two years. She has contributed to core OpenStack projects including Keystone and OpenStack Security Projects. She has also presented Keystone core concepts at various OpenStack summits including Paris, Vancouver, and Japan. In her spare time, she is a hobby artist and practices various Indian Art forms.

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