Open Source @ IBM Blog

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IBM Research works with industry to architect and prototype trusted container platforms

By Brandon Lum | Published July 17, 2020

Tackling security and compliance needs in containerized environments

Why IBM doesn't agree with Google's Open Usage Commons

By Jason McGee | Published July 8, 2020

Google's Open Usage Commons for the Istio project falls short of expectations

PionerasDev wins IBM Open Source Community Grant to increase women's participation in programming

By Todd Moore, Guillermo Miranda | Published June 29, 2020

Colombia's PionerasDev wins the 3rd Open Source Community Grant

IBM and LFAI move forward on trustworthy and responsible AI

By Todd Moore, Sriram Raghavan, Aleksandra Mojsilovic | Published June 29, 2020

IBM donates Trusted AI toolkits to the Linux Foundation AI

IBM and LFAI move forward on trustworthy and responsible AI

By Todd Moore, Sriram Raghavan, Aleksandra Mojsilovic | Published June 29, 2020

IBM donates Trusted AI toolkits to the Linux Foundation AI

IBM launches Equal Access Toolkit to help developers build accessible websites and applications

By Si McAleer | Published May 18, 2020

Increase the accessibility of your application and website from the start with the open source IBM Equal Access Toolkit.

Open Horizon joins Linux Foundation to grow open edge computing platform

By Joe Pearson | Published April 30, 2020

The Open Horizon software project, the core technology that powers IBM’s edge computing offerings, has joined LF Edge. Learn how this move will transform edge…

IBM awards its second $50,000 Open Source Community Grant to internship and mentorship program Outreachy

By Todd Moore, Guillermo Miranda | Published April 3, 2020

Outreachy is awarded the second Open Source Community Grant for their commitment to providing paid internships to underserved and underrepresented minorities.