Open Source @ IBM Blog

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In the era of open hybrid cloud, open source skills matter more than proprietary software skills

By Willie Tejada, Todd Moore, Chris Ferris | Published February 9, 2021

O'Reilly survey highlights that open source cloud skills set devs apart for career prospects

Words-Really-Matter GitHub Action enforces inclusive word choice in Markdown

By Steve Martinelli, JJ Asghar | Published January 29, 2021

Scrub problematic language from your repos

IBM joins the Crossplane community

By Chris Bailey, Paolo Dettori, John Ponzo | Published December 15, 2020

IBM joins the Crossplane Community to advance the development of hybrid cloud application platforms.

6 industry-changing open source projects from IBM in 2020

By Todd Moore | Published December 3, 2020

Check out the 6 open source projects that I think will shape the future of tech in the coming years

etcd moves from being an incubating to a graduated project at the CNCF

By Sahdev P Zala | Published November 24, 2020

etcd recognized as a well-matured, production-ready project at the Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Node.js 15 release: Updated handling of rejections, npm 7, N-API Version 7, and more

By Michael Dawson, Bethany Griggs | Published October 20, 2020

Read the latest Node.js 15 release notes, plus what it means for you that Node.js 14 enters LTS.

How open source leads to open doors

By Todd Moore, Guillermo Miranda, Yolanda Rabun | Published October 19, 2020

The fourth IBM Open Source Community Grant is awarded to Black Girls CODE for offering technology opportunities to more than 20,000 low-income, Black girls.

Open source gravitates to outer space

By Naeem Altaf, Colin Alstad, Minsik Lee | Published October 1, 2020

Two new open source projects, Space Situational Awareness and Kubesat, improve communication between satellites and help predict the path of space junk.