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Business challenges

  • The Greenhaviour project was implemented using IPP Sensor Extender
  • On July 20th 2010 the VIAC (VisLab Intercontinental Autonomous Challenge) started from Parma, Italy. The challenge proved that it is possible to move goods between two continents using non-polluting prototype vehichles powered by green energy.
  • The VIAC followed the well known Overland Expedition on a route that took it through Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan during a 13,000 km journey. It arrived at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, China on 26.10.2010.
  • IBM Human Centric Innovation Center took the challenge to demonstrate how off-the-shelf Smartphones could be used to monitor some of the planet's vital parameters like CO2
  • The so called Greenhaviour project created a map of the CO2 pollution levels along the whole journey from the West to the East using nothing else but a phone supporting a common conscience for green-behaviour (greenhaviour)
  • The project was in the spirit of the Shanghai Expo theme “better cities, better life”
  • The CO2 results from the phone were transmitted through the web to a twitter channel providing anyone with a live stream of data

IBM Solutions

  • Everyone could follow the cars and the project through a website and a blog.
  • Data were visuable "live" via on-going CO2 parameters sent via the sensors
  • Everyone could follow the Twitter page and receive real-time the CO2 measures updates when driving across the 8 countries

Business benefits

  • Be able to show the mobile innovation state-of-the-art technology
  • “Walk the talk”, proving the effectiveness of the new technology applied to the smarter planet initiative