Business challenges

OTB is a german company that makes orthotics, prosthetics and healthcare products. Visiting their customers they have to face queries from people having troubles during their dailylife. Ambient Assisted Living - AAL - is an answer to their questions and the flat in Berlin at OTB premises is a showroom where customers and providers can meet in order to experiment assistive technology and services.

IBM Solutions

  • Being the only IT partner in the showroom IBM has implemented a solution based on different sensors inside the flat.
  • The solution based on IBM Bluemix and IBM IOT Foundation is hosted on the IBM Cloud.
  • The solution gathers all data from the sensors - temperature, open/close window, noise as examples - and shows them on a dashboard (empowered by IPP*). The system also send voice alerts on abnormal events understandable by anyone.

Business benefits

  • It allows seniors' relatives and/or social services to monitor the environmental well being of the people they care about
  • Data can be analysed within a very large range in order to get a pattern where they should fit in.
  • European governments, social services and private customers may visit the showroom and experiment the "live" demo.