ホーム about Kenkokeiei 日本IBM 健康経営宣言
〜Resilience for Innovation〜
英語版(English version)




日本IBMでは、社員やIBMに関わる全ての人々が 「Resilient」 な状態、すなわち変化にしなやかに適応できる状態を実現するために、 イノベーションを促進する職場環境を整え、組織や会社の枠を超えて、より良い未来づくりに貢献していきます。

代表取締役社長 山口明夫

「Resilience for Innovation」の推進体制

日本IBMは、山口明夫社長の直下にCRIO(Chief Resilience Innovation Officer)(※1)として、Human Resources Vice Presidentのカーラ・カンを任命しました。「Resilience for Innovation」を下記の体制で推進してまいります。

  • 健康経営宣言におけるトップコミットメントのもと、CRIOとCH&S(※2)は経営レベルで各施策を協議し、社員だけではなくIBMに関わる人々に向けて健康経営施策を推進しています。
  • CRIOおよびCH&Sは日本アイ・ビー・エム健康保険組合と定例会議(各四半期)を通じて、社員の健康に関する課題に対し、コラボレーションによる健康経営施策を推進しています。
  • CRIOおよびCH&Sは各事業所衛生委員会と連携し、事業所単位での健康増進活動を促進しています。

※1)一般的にはCHO(Chief Health Officer)にあたる役職名を、当社ではCRIO(Chief Resilience Innovation Officer)としています。
※2)CH&SはCorporate Health and Safetyの略称です。



今後も健康経営の推進責任者であるCRIO(Chief Resilience Innovation Officer)を中心に、社員が輝ける働く職場の実現に向けて、社員の健康維持・増進に関する各種取り組みを推進して参ります。



企業や社会の中でテクノロジーの重要性がより一層増す中、イノベーションを起こすためには多様な人財が集まってアイディアや知見を出し合いながら、生き生きと活躍することが不可欠です。アフターコロナを見据えたIBMの今後の働き方として、一人ひとりがより輝ける環境づくりを支えるNew Way of Hybrid & Personalized Working(ハイブリッド&パーソナライズされた新しい働き方)を展開します。新しい働き方には下記の3つの柱があり、これを実現する施策を順次導入します。

  1. 一人ひとりが選択するハイブリッドな働き方
  2. パーソナライズされたスキル育成・キャリア開発
  3. よりオープンで多様な人財が集まる職場



  • 睡眠ウィーク(2022年9月)
  • 女性の健康セミナー(2022年3月、2023年3月)
  • 長時間残業対策



  • ストレスチェック

    年に1回ストレスチェックを実施し、高ストレス者には産業医による面談を案内しています。希望者には面接指導を行ったうえで、必要があればEAP(Employee Assistance Program)や医療機関の紹介をしています。


  • World Mental Health Day



  • EAP(Employee Assistance Program):悩み・健康・生活に関する各種相談




  • 定期健康診断、保健指導の効率的な実施



  • 生活習慣病改善

    日本アイ・ビー・エム健康保険組合において保健指導で減量が必要と判断される対象者には、社内フィットネスセンターでBMI(Body Mass Index)が高く、一般的に健康に関するリスクが高いと考えられる方々向けに実施している減量チャレンジプログラム(通称:ゲンチャレ)へ連携する協力体制を構築しています。COVID19流行後は、e-work(リモートワーク)環境下でも当プログラムが継続できるよう、Web会議システムを利用したオンライン形式の減量チャレンジ・プログラムとして実施しています。


  • 歯科予防プログラム(p-Dental21)



  • 禁煙対策


  • 社内フィットネスセンター「GENKI」



  • 指定スポーツ・クラブ利用への特別補助制度(福利厚生)


  • 社員の安全・安心を守る体制をいち早く整備



  • 勤務と勤務の間に十分な休息・睡眠時間を取ることで、生産性と健康の好循環社会を創出する
  • 睡眠時間(7時間以上を推奨)を確保することで、クリエイティビティや記憶力を強化し、イノベーションの創発を促し生産性を高める
  • 社員の心身の健康状態を良好に保つ
  • 社員と家族にとって満足度の高い職場を提供し、高い集中力や創造性でより良いサービスを生み出す
  • これらの実現を通して、サステナブルな社会の実現に貢献する

IBM Japan Health and Productivity Management Declaration
〜Resilience for Innovation〜

We at IBM believe that technology can improve our daily lives, business, and our society.

To lead the transformation of this society in times of such rapid changes, it is essential that employees manage their physical and mental wellbeing so that each individual can demonstrate their full capability and shine under any circumstance.
This will lead us to days filled with fulfillment, not only for our employees, but also for our families, customers and everyone involved with IBM.

In IBM Japan, we strive to create a work environment that enhances innovation, so that employees and everyone involved with IBM can “Be Resilient” and adapt to change, which will contribute to creating a better future beyond the boundaries of organizations and companies.

Akio Yamaguchi
General Manager, IBM Japan Ltd.

Formation for promoting "Resilience for Innovation"

IBM Japan has appointed Cara Kang, Human Resources Vice President, as CRIO (Chief Resilience Innovation Officer) (*1) under the direction Akio Yamaguchi, General Manager of IBM Japan.  The "Resilience for Innovation" initiative will be implemented with the following formation:

  • Based on the top-level commitment in Health and Productivity Management Declaration, CRIO & CH&S(*2) propel each Health and Productivity Management implementation, which is discussed at the managerial level and offered not only to IBMers but also to those who related to IBM.
  •  CRIO & CH&S cooperate with IBM Japan Health Insurance Association to propel each Health and Productivity Management implementation through discussion on health issues among IBMers in Health Management Promotion Committee (Every quarter).
  •  CRIO & CH&S promote health promotion activities in each office by cooperating with Health Committee.

*1)CRIO(Chief Resilience Innovation Officer)is a role in IBM, generally called CHO(Chief Health Officer)
*2)CH&S is an abbreviation for Corporate Health and Safety


External Evaluation

IBM Japan,Ltd, has been  certified as a Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program 2023 (Large-Enterprise Category) that recognizes corporations that are strategically working on employee health and productivity management from a managerial perspective. The certification of Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (Large-Enterprise Category) is three years in a row for IBM Japan. 

The CRIO (Chief Resilience Innovation Officer), who is in charge of promoting health and productivity management, will continue to play a central role in promoting various initiatives related to maintaining and improving the health of employees in order to realize a workplace where employees can shine.

~Outline of the Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program~

The Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program is a program in which the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi certifies excellent corporations working on health and productivity management of employees. This program endeavors to highlight outstanding enterprises engaging in efforts to advance health and productivity management and thereby aims to develop an environment in which such enterprises are able to gain enhanced social recognition, e.g., from employees, employment seekers, related enterprises and financial institutions, as organizations engaging in strategic health and productivity management efforts for maintaining their employees’ health from a management perspective.

Key initiatives to maintain and improve employees’ health
New Way of Hybrid & Personalized Working at IBM

As the role of technology becomes increasingly important in businesses and society, it is essential for diverse talents to come together, share ideas and knowledge, and play an active role in driving innovation. As part of post-covid future of work at IBM, we are going to establish "New Way of Hybrid & Personalized Working" to create an inspiring workplace for each IBMer. The new way of working has the following three pillars and measures to realize these goals will be implemented.

  1. Hybrid work style designed by each employee
  2. Personalized skill and career development
  3. Open and inclusive work environment to attract diverse talents
Seminars for the better IBMers’ Well-being

For the essence of Health and Productivity Management Declaration written above “it is essential that employees manage their physical and mental wellbeing so that each individual can demonstrate their full capability and shine under any circumstance.”, we hold seminars and panel discussions on the health-related topics which are beneficial for all IBMers.

<Main results>

  • Sleep Week events (September 2022)
    Conducted a survey on sleep of over 500 IBMers and analyzed the sleeping quality and problems they have. Based on the result, held 5 seminars and exercise programs for better sleep together with occupational health physicians and professional sports instructors. This event was strongly supported by Akio Yamaguchi, GM of IBM Japan with his opening message.
  • Women’s health seminars (March 2022&2023)
    During the week of International Women’s day, held the seminars on “Women and Cancer”, “Menopausal change and mental health” and “Dysmenorrhea and Premenstrual syndrome” with healthy tips and education by occupational health physicians and related info by HR benefit team and the Health Insurance Associations. The seminar was open to all IBMers regardless of their gender and their family members and also covered Q&A session on general women’s health in general.
Mental health initiatives
  • Measures for long overtime work

    The Health and Safety Committee Meeting held at each business site keeps track of the number of employees that have long overtime work hours every month. As a preventive measure, we utilize an attendance management system in which an alert email is sent from the HR department when the number of overtime hours, stipulated in the Article 36 of the Japanese Labor Law, is approached. In addition, as a health management measure, the health status of employees who work long hours are checked by an occupational physician with an interview and guidance is provided to the managers.


  • Stress check

    We provide stress checks once a year and push notifications to high-stress people and encourage them to interview with occupational physicians. After guidance from an occupational physician, we may introduce the Employee Assistance Program(EAP)and medical consultations, if necessary.


  • World Mental Health Day

    Every year, we are engaged in educational activities globally in line with World Mental Health Day observed on October 10th. Local educational activities are also conducted for mental health prevention according to the situation in Japan.


  • Employee Assistance Program(EAP): Provides consultation on personal, health and daily life issues

    The EAP can be used by IBM Japan employees and their families 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We also have a system in place for employees who wish to have an appointment with an in-house occupational physician(online interviews using a web conferencing system are also available).

Health Insurance Associations(HIA)and IBM Japan

IBM Japan and IBM Japan HIA have established a system that enables the timely provision of information and the development of programs, including information exchanges and health-related discussions in regular meetings.

  • Efficient implementation of regular health checkups and health guidance

    IBM Japan outsources health checkups and health guidance for employees. IBM Japan and IBM Japan HIA work together to create an environment in which it is easy for employees to receive regular health checkups and specific exams such as cancer screenings, in the office on the same day.


  • Improvement on lifestyle-related diseases

    For employees who need to lose weight according to health guidance provided by HIA, a cooperative system has been established. It is a weight loss challenge program commonly known as Gen-challe implemented by the in-house fitness center for those with high BMI (Body Mass Index), who are generally considered to have health risks. In addition, as a countermeasure against the COVID-19, we are implementing an online weight loss challenge program using a web conferencing system so that this program can be continued even in an e-work (remote work) environment.


  • Dental Prevention Program

    IBM Japan HIA has been focusing on dental prevention programs. In order to encourage more employees to take advantage of this program, we are working together to build a system that allows employees to participate during work hours in the office. In addition, dental hygiene products are sold at the in-house cafeteria.


  • Smoking Cessation Measures

    As for smoking cessation measures, the company and HIA have been implementing their own programs. Since April 2019, IBM Japan has participated in a No Smoking Promotion Business Consortium and a "No Smoking Day Swan Swan Day" has been established on the 22nd of every month from May 2020. In addition, internal emails are sent to employees to raise awareness about smoking cessation. Since April 2021, we have collaborated with HIA on an online smoking cessation support program and will continue to work on it from now on.

Exercise habits
  • In-house fitness center "GENKI"

    Since 2016, a fitness center has been set up in the Hakozaki office. There is a relaxation room that is fully equipped with a massage chair and various monitoring equipment such as body composition and blood pressure monitors. Various lesson programs are also offered in the studio in order to improve the health of employees. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 infection, the internal web conferencing system is used to deliver livestreaming of numerous fitness programs in order to respond to the working styles of employees who have increased remote work (“GENKI” has temporarily been closed due to COVID-19 infection).


  • Special subsidy system for using designated sports clubs(welfare program)

    In addition to the usual welfare benefits, a special subsidy has been set up for designated sports clubs that can be used at IBM bases nationwide as a unique benefit for IBM Japan employees. This environment makes it easy for employees to use the sports club.

COVID-19 Support / Challenge the New Normal- Establishing a system to protect the safety and security of employees

We have quickly established a formation to protect the employees' safety in response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 infectious disease. Various programs and processes are being created on a daily basis, both in accordance with the global policy of the IBM Corporation while also considering the unique characteristics of Japan. In addition to developing and disseminating a flowchart in suspected infection cases, we extended the remote work program to not only employees but also temporary staff and contracted employees and created a special paid leave program for employees needing childcare. We are promptly developing a system that supports flexible work styles so that not only employees, but everyone involved with IBM can work safely and securely. 

Declaration for work interval

IBM Japan declared the importance of work interval in July 2022. 

We promote work interval and aim to the following:

  • Create virtuous cycle of productivity and health by taking sufficient rest and sleep between work.
  • Ensure sleep time (7 hours or more is recommended), strengthen creativity and memory, promote innovation and increase productivity
  • Maintain good physical and mental health of employees
  • Provide great workplace for employees and their families, and create better services with high concentration and creativity
  • Contribute to the realization of sustainable society through these realizations