Home Business automation ELM Rhapsody MBSE tools and solutions
Leverage sophisticated simulations to build powerful digital models with a model-based systems engineering (MBSE) solution.
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To deliver high-quality, price-competitive offerings that meets compliance and regulatory standards, your software and product development teams have many challenges to overcome:

  • Adding requirements for advanced functionality and competitive differentiation increase the importance of software in almost every product and system
  • Growing complexity of systems and systems-of-systems demand unambiguous requirements and design specifications
  • Expanding ecosystems of partners and suppliers require seamless collaboration
  • Shrinking development timelines and growing margin pressures demand more productivity, reduced rework and lower development costs

IBM® Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody® and its family of products offers a proven solution for software modeling and systems design activities to help you manage complexity in product and systems development. Rhapsody supports UML, SysML, UAF and AUTOSAR import and export capability and is part of the IBM Engineering portfolio that provides a collaborative design, development and test environment for systems engineers.

Read to learn how MBSE helps drive successful product innovation
Benefits Accelerate delivery with model-based design

Prototype, simulate and execute designs for early validation of requirements, architecture and behavior. This helps improve productivity and reduce time-to-market while maintaining the ability to adapt to changing customer requirements.

Read about improving productivity and quality with MBSE
Employ advanced modeling to ensure quality with digital twin

Create digital twins that bridge the gap between physical and digital designs to improve the understanding and communication of design changes throughout the product lifecycle.

Watch to learn about IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody (05:48)
Connect with digital twin advanced analytics

Help reduce late-cycle redesigns and improve product quality by increasing the ability to analyze and elaborate on requirements, make architectural trades-offs with parametric evaluations, and document designs.

Read why companies continue to modernize their ELM solutions
Model-based systems engineering solutions Model-based systems and design development

Deliver higher quality systems and software faster by managing complex product and systems development with a proven solution for collaborative design, modeling, development and testing activities.

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Engineering insights

Unlock your engineering data from various lifecycle tools and help your organization make more effective, timely and informed decisions while maintaining compliance with regulatory and industry standards.

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Systems engineering software and solutions

Adopt a pragmatic approach to managing complex software and product development with a systems engineering solution that provides an end-to-end view across the entire product lifecycle for all stakeholders.


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MBSE tools for automotive industry

Engineering teams need to be able to manage the simultaneous development of mechanical, electrical and software systems to successfully deliver competitive, high-quality vehicles on time. IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management is one of the leading application lifecycle management solutions for managing the development of today’s complex automobiles.

Explore automotive product development solutions
Resources What is a digital twin?

Find out what a digital twin is, how it works, and why it is a vital part of the digital reinvention occurring in asset-intensive industries.

What is requirements management?

Learn why requirements management is such a key foundational element for successful software and product development.

What is software development?

Read a basic overview that covers the fundamentals of software development, including its key features and why it remains vitally important.

Next steps

Take the ELM interactive tour or book a consultation with an IBM expert to see how your organization can benefit from MBSE tools and solutions.

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