Home Page Title AI for talent management Unlock employee potential with AI
Create world-class experiences to attract, develop and retain a skills-first workforce
Put AI to work for talent management Request an AI strategy briefing
Rendered representation of talent climbing up the career ladder

No matter your talent management objective—from recruiting to creating an equitable hiring experience to reskilling employees—you have options. Collaborate with IBM HR consultants to move quickly from deciding where to apply AI for high impact to launching an AI pilot in four-to-six weeks. Or, start automating routine tasks (like creating job descriptions) in minutes with one technology interface, across applications. IBM Consulting and watsonx Orchestrate bring the HR expertise and AI technology needed to help you build a winning workforce.

Request an AI strategy briefing
IBM webinar series

Learn from HR experts and prepare your organization for the future of talent management with AI

It's time to reimagine HR and talent with AI

Employee expectations are high. Generative AI can help you transform employee experiences for higher productivity and better outcomes, from talent acquisition to employee retention.

Rethink HR and talent transformation with AI

What if generative AI could free up your employees to focus when and where it matters most?

Rethink talent acquisition with AI

What if you could create more nuanced and interactive experiences to help effectively find and recruit the best talent – at scale?

Rethink talent skill & development with AI

What if generative AI could help you prepare your employees and business with the skills of the future?


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The three things to prioritize to elevate your employees with AI and high-value skills for the future Read the research
CEO decision-making in the age of AI

In this quick guide, IBM IBV identifies three things every HR leader needs to know—and three things they need to do—when it comes to generative AI.

Creating the future of human resources with digital workers

See how IBM's HR department saved 12,000 hours of manual data gathering work—a 40% improvement in productivity—thanks to AI and automation.

Let's rethink recruiting

If you designed your recruiting process for a new company, where would you apply AI to find and get the best talent? Find out what our expert would do.

Transform talent management with AI through a strategy session

IBM has the technology and expertise to help you think big and move fast with generative AI—responsibly.

Attend an AI strategy session to take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of generative AI at scale. You’ll walk away with clarity on where to get started, what’s needed to kick off a pilot and how to scale responsibly from there.

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Explore our HR and talent transformation consulting service

Reimagine Human Resources with AI at the core—delivering business value, accelerating the digital agenda, unlocking workforce potential and creating agility.

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Explore watsonx Orchestrate

Start streamlining HR processes, such as talent acquisition, in minutes with watsonx Orchestrate.

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Explore watsonx Assistant

Empower your workforce with AI-powered chatbots to unify the HR support experience, reducing employee frustration, improving employee engagement and cutting the operational burden on your HR professionals. 

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