Home Industries Oil gas IBM solutions for energy transition in Oil, Gas and Chemical industries
Net zero goals are requiring businesses to rethink what they sell, how they produce and how to deliver better customer experiences.
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Oil, Gas and Chemicals technology solutions help you adapt

Today's challenges call for squeezing out cost while adding flexibility and automation. It’s possible with oil and gas solutions built on digital technologies. Getting data insights from artificial intelligence (AI) can make processes more predictive, automated and productive, improving operational efficiency.

Insights from big data analytics for oil and gas form the basis for new, adaptable workflows that revolutionize how work gets done.

Learn the 7 keys for transformation

ESG as an accelerator

ESG isn’t a drag on business performance. It’s an accelerator that drives profitability and growth.


An hour of equipment downtime can cost over USD 100,000. Minimize it with data analytics and predictive solutions.
Accelerate sustainability performance

Respond faster and more confidently to calls for more transparent ESG measurements and disclosures from stakeholders, regulators and investors

Optimize spare parts inventory

Leverage prescriptive analytics and insights from existing data to optimize MRO spares inventory and reduce excess

Cybersecurity and proactive threat management

Identify and prevent serious threats and vulnerabilities from disrupting business operations

Intelligent automation of business processes

Make worker roles more productive with intelligent workflows that enable people to achieve higher value outcomes, faster

Data platform for Upstream

Industry standard, OSDU® compliant, data platform designed to address data residency restrictions and provide cloud native Oil & Gas industry defined data platform for “in-country” operations. 

Case studies Exxon Mobil rethinks customer experience

A mobile app simplifies the fueling experience and builds brand loyalty with added security by running on IBM Cloud

Celestica turns goals into action

Industrial business, Celestica, consolidates ESG data collection, reducing manual error and streamlining reporting

Evonik prioritizes planet and profit

Using the IBM Planning Analytics for Sustainability platform, Evonik automized steering and sustainable alignment of the company‘s product portfolio

Neste produces more renewable fuels

Neste builds a global ERP platform with a flexible supply chain in its drive to become the world’s leading renewable fuels and circular solutions producer

Vivo Energy boosts enterprise efficiency

Using IBM for SAP S/4HANA, Vivo Energy modernizes ERP to unlock operational insights for better employee experience and productivity

Woodside Energy speeds transformation

See how an Australian energy company aims to cut operating costs by 30% using IBM technology

Insights Energizing the oil, gas and value chain with AI

In this report, AI champions explain their well-defined enterprise AI strategy for oil and gas.

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Create transformational business value

Energy and resources enterprises are modernizing with the help of digital transformation. Hybrid cloud is a key enabler.

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Expanding downstream oil, gas and chemical services

Industry leaders are taking an innovative approach to customer experience to reduce service delivery costs and drive revenue growth.


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