Home Middleware MQ IBM MQ
Proven messaging for hybrid and multicloud environments that’s high-performance and security-rich
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Make every message count

Connect applications dynamically, securely and reliably, enabling your business to build loosely coupled message-driven and event-driven applications at scale.

With IBM MQ as the foundation, your business not only has assured (exactly-once), high-performance delivery of data between business systems, but you can also rapidly make isolated changes within your IT landscape to minimize the risk of affecting downstream applications.


Market-leading messaging, however and wherever you deploy.

Deploy along side your applications in private or public cloud - on baremetal, VMs, mainframe, containers, or SaaS. IBM MQ supports a range of modern and legacy languages, protocols and APIs so you can connect any application to any other, from COBOL to Spring Boot, node.js, Go and more!

Assured (exactly-once) message delivery, even in the most demanding environments.

Automated and intelligent workload balancing allows you to design applications for scale. High availability and disaster recovery solutions ensure data is protected across any level of failure, from node to availability zone to region.

Multiple messaging patterns.

IBM MQ supports point to point messaging with Store & Forward, Request & Response, and Publish & Subscribe with dynamic topics and subscriptions. This provides a simple, flexible, and structured way to build communication into software applications, freeing up developers to focus on the business value of their code.

Insulate the business from risks with enterprise-wide security.

IBM MQ offers comprehensive security options as a standard to protect data as it flows. It also offers end-to-end encryption through IBM MQ Advanced to protect data at rest, and data confidentiality and integrity checks for extra peace of mind.

Harness the power of your existing business data.

IBM MQ enables you to seamlessly connect to Apache Kafka stream processing systems and put business events to work, and it ensures AI systems are deriving meaningful insights from accurate data - no data loss or duplication - without disrupting your enterprise Apps.

24x7×365 support from a dedicated team and a vibrant IBM MQ community.

Leverage the award winning IBM technical support team to solve any issues and queries to operate with confidence that IBM is there to provide quality and timely help. Access hundreds of free tutorials, learning paths, and samples, and join MQ's large, vibrant user community to get you going quickly.

IBM’s MQ SaaS offers indefinite 10,000 messages - get started today
Benefits Insulate your business from risks

Unlike its competitors, IBM MQ will never lose a message or deliver a message more than once.

Simple multi-style messaging

Connect diverse systems with support for message queueing, events or PubSub, and making transactions.

24x7x365 technical support

A dedicated IBM MQ team is available to help you, along with a large user community.

Market-leading messaging, everywhere

Get the same proven, security-rich and high-performance, security-rich and assured delivery messaging solution, however and wherever you deploy.

“Always-on” cloud native messaging

Minimal infrastructure and a light footprint make MQ perfect for cloud-native, highly available deployments.

Secure, enterprise-wide connectivity

Keep data safe with TLS secured communications, identity access management, message-level security and more.

Connectivity features Flexible deployment options

Deploy to public or private cloud in virtual machines or containers on Docker, Kubernetes/Cri-O or Red Hat® OpenShift®.

Uniform clusters

Automated and intelligent workload balancing lets you design applications for scale.

High availability, designed to be easy

Keep your business going with high availability that’s simple to set up and offers rapid recovery times.

A way to unlock the value of existing data

Harness mission-critical data as it flows around the enterprise to power analytics and AI.


Security by design

Protect data from threats with user access management, TLS-secured communications, and more.

Freedom to develop

Use broad language, API and messaging protocol support (including AMQP) plus simple management tools.

Use cases

Banking and Finance Process transactions - deposits, withdrawals, and transfers - and customer information updates in real-time or in batches while maintaining data consistency across distributed banking applications. IBM MQ provides assured delivery without any loss or duplication, and it can connect disparate systems to provide complete data for fraud detection.

Government and Federal Exchange data securely and efficiently, whether it's between applications within the organization or with external parties. IBM MQ enables governments to deliver services seamlessly across all kinds of agencies and departments, from citizen services, customs and border control, defense, justice, housing, agriculture, and more.

Travel and Transportation Manage real-time updates and transactions for travel card systems, flight scheduling (incl. flight status and flight tracking), customer loyalty programs, baggage handling, car hire, hotel booking systems, railway systems and many more, IBM MQ ensures reliable processing of fare payments and travel data across multiple transit services.

Automotive and Manufacturing Coordinate real-time communication between production line equipment and inventory systems, ensuring seamless operations and real-time updates on inventory levels and machine status. IBM MQ connects dealerships with manufacturing plants, and provides a fault-tolerant system so that you’re always ready for customer orders and that they are delivered exactly-once.

Case studies Grocery retailer

A grocery retailer effortlessly transfers 50 million messages across the country every day.

The Professional Provident Society

The client had an 80% drop in remedial actions as a result of audits and 90% of system code was eliminated with IBM MQ Advanced.

Related products IBM MQ Advanced

Get all the benefits of IBM MQ, with advanced connectivity, security and reliability.

IBM API Connect®

Secure and manage APIs through their entire lifecycle across multiple cloud and on-premises environments.

IBM App Connect

A powerful all-in-one tool for easily connecting apps, integrating data, building APIs and acting on events.

IBM Event Automation

Turn messages flowing through IBM MQ into a key source of real-time business events, without any interruption or architectural changes.

IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration

Add IBM MQ as part of the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration to extend your investment and scale with confidence.

IBM Support Offerings

Looking for a higher level of support, additional time to move to the latest release or modernize?

Let's Connect 

Contact an advisor to get help configuring IBM MQ for your business needs.

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