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This site is built on the practical application of tools and resources along with coaching and training to help you identify and communicate the value of your Garage engagement. The material is aimed to help you move beyond talking about product value and into outcome-focused business value metrics that speak to your clients’ bottom line.

Business value focus is one of the key differentiators Garage engagements bring to the table. The site takes you through the process of identifying, measuring, and communicating the value your engagement is bringing for your client.

The Outcomes tool provides step-by-step guidance in building value statements and communicating value effectively.

This site is connected to an Outcomes tool, helping identify the value that you bring to your client organization in real numbers.

The content of this site and tool have been identified, curated, and built by your peers. This is the voice of Garage, as it relates to bringing outcomes to every engagement.

Both the site and the tool are MVPs, helping inform a bigger platform. With that in mind, let us know what can improve and what’s missing.

Now, jump in and get started telling the true value of your Garage.