Accueil Security Services {Service name}

{Page description from IA: [IBM service name] helps you/provides [perform function with benefit] using [capabilities].}

{After the wiki-description, identify with client pain points, targeting the main reasons they would come to this page for help. Connect this service's differential advantage to how it can help alleviate the pain points. Include contextual inline links to helpful service-related assets that build on information here, including any links that were previously standalone CTA links.

Include IBM’s unique POV while connecting to macro-trends the target audience faces. Give the target audience the phrase or analogy that’s going to make them look smart or bring new perspective to the service's theme. Take inspiration from the best sentences from related sales or messaging materials.

Don't include stock art in the overview section. Leave the image area blank unless there's a high-quality video that can be used. Don’t use a client story video.}

What's new

{News item must be of high client interest and from most recent quarter (optional)}

{News item must be of high client interest and from most recent quarter (optional)}


{Summarize the capabilities below, highlighting how they all work toward a specific client advantage or advantages within the service.}

{Capability name}

{Describe what a client actually gets out of this specific capability when using the service. Weave in concrete benefits, use case-related details, industry applications and any poignant insights that apply to the specific capability. Include contextual inline links to additional assets and related resources or pages wherever possible to avoid standalone text links.}

{Contact us CTA}
{Capability name}

{Approach this as an outsider. Avoid marketing jargon (it's vague and doesn't translate well for globalization). Look at case studies to learn how the target audience talks about the capability and problems solved in their own words. Reveal technical details that will make someone more comfortable in understanding what it's like to work with us.}

{Contact us CTA}
{Capability name}

{Note: On previous service pages, capabilities were often described as "services." Referring to them as "capabilities" alleviates confusion. Don’t use decorative imagery or stock art; only provide high-quality imagery that helps illuminate the capability on a more technical level.}

{Contact us CTA}

{Optionally, use this outro area if an additional summary is necessary to tie all of the details together into a larger supporting point.}

Capabilities {Optionally, write an intro summarizing the statistics or the overall benefit behind the statistics. Make sure it ties back to the service.} {Contact us CTA} {64%} {More context for the statistic}

{Describe how the capabilit(ies) work to achieve the statistic. Don’t just say the statistic happened, describe the technical details and capabilit(ies) that worked together to allow it to happen in the specific context.}

{Describe source in CTA}
{64%} {More context for the statistic}

{Be clear about what the statistic means in terms of what the client gets. Include additional related figures and timeframes if it helps with understanding. Make all descriptions in the section the same length.}

{Describe source in CTA}
{64%} {More context for the statistic}

{Use the item CTAs if the statistics are from three different sources, and use some or part of the asset name or idea. If two statistics are from one source and the third is from another, consider using footnotes instead.}

{Describe source in CTA}
{Generic category label} {Capability name} {In the eyebrow, label the capability benefit category. Write each headline according to what the capability is not what it can do. Here, describe what a client actually gets out of this specific capability when using the service.} {Contact us CTA}

{Generic category label} {Capability name} {Be specific about how the capability operates inside the service. Weave in concrete benefits, use case-related details, industry applications, key capability insights and distinctive attributes that deliver value to clients.} {Contact us CTA}

{Generic category label} {Capability name} {Look at case studies and client stories to learn how the audience talks about the capability and problems solved. Reveal technical details that will make people more comfortable in knowing what it's like to work with us.} {Contact us CTA}
{Generic category label} {Capability name}

{Describe what a client actually gets out of this specific capability when using the service. Weave in concrete benefits, use case-related details, industry applications and any poignant insights that apply to the specific capability. Highlight differential advantages compared to competitors. Include contextual inline links to additional assets and related resources or pages.}

{Contact us CTA}

{Generic category label} {Capability name}

{Approach this as an outsider. Avoid marketing jargon (it's vague and doesn't translate well for globalization). Look at case studies and client stories to learn how the target audience talks about the capability and problems solved in their own words. Reveal technical details that will make someone more comfortable in understanding what it's like to work with us.}

{Contact us CTA}

{Generic category label} {Capability name}

{Note: On existing service pages, capabilities were often described as "services." Referring to them as "capabilities" alleviates confusion. Don’t use decorative imagery or stock art; only provide high-quality imagery that helps illuminate the capability on a more technical level.}

{Contact us CTA}
{Capability name}

{Describe what a client actually gets out of this specific capability when using the service. Weave in concrete benefits, use case-related details, industry applications and any poignant insights that apply to the specific capability. Include contextual inline links to additional assets and related resources or pages wherever possible to avoid standalone text links.

Approach this as an outsider. Avoid marketing jargon (it's vague and doesn't translate well for globalization). Look at case studies and client stories to learn how the target audience talks about the capability and problems solved in their own words.

Reveal technical details that will make someone more comfortable in understanding what it's like to work with us. Note: On individual services pages, capabilities were often previously described as "services." Referring to them as "capabilities" in the section headline alleviates confusion.

Don’t use decorative imagery or stock art; only provide high-quality imagery that helps illuminate the capability on a more technical level.}

{Contact us CTA}
{Capability name}

{Describe what a client actually gets out of this specific capability when using the service. Weave in concrete benefits, use case-related details, industry applications and any poignant insights that apply to the specific capability. Include contextual inline links to additional assets and related resources or pages wherever possible to avoid standalone text links.

Approach this as an outsider. Avoid marketing jargon (it's vague and doesn't translate well for globalization). Look at case studies and client stories to learn how the target audience talks about the capability and problems solved in their own words.

Reveal technical details that will make someone more comfortable in understanding what it's like to work with us. Note: On individual services pages, capabilities were often previously described as "services." Referring to them as "capabilities" in the section headline alleviates confusion.

Don’t use decorative imagery or stock art; only provide high-quality imagery that helps illuminate the capability on a more technical level.}

{Contact us CTA}
{Optional headline}

{Specific numerical KPI or result must link to somewhere (optional)}

{Specific numerical KPI or result must link to somewhere (optional)}

{Specific numerical KPI or result must link to somewhere (optional)}

{Pull a great quote from a client story not elsewhere on the page. The more conversational, the better. Ideally, highlight a compelling pain-point-relieving aspect of the service.} {Name goes here} {Role goes here} {Company goes here} {Tease a specific result or outcome because there's plenty of space}


{Name, title or role}

{Convey that IBM has smart thinkers operating in the service area. Include bio information here such as specific expertise, projects undertaken, awards received and anything else that’s relevant and service-related.}

{Name, title or role}

{Convey that IBM has smart thinkers operating in the service area. Include bio information here such as specific expertise, projects undertaken, awards received and anything else that’s relevant and service-related.}

{Name, title or role}

{Convey that IBM has smart thinkers operating in the service area. Include bio information here such as specific expertise, projects undertaken, awards received and anything else that’s relevant and service-related.}

Partners {Partner company name}

{Highlight why a client would want to work with IBM in relation to the partner's offering. What's the advantage? What does the client get that it wouldn't get elsewhere? Make the connection clear between service and partner offering.}

{Descriptive copy for accessibility}
{Partner company name}

{Highlight why a client would want to work with IBM in relation to the partner's offering. What's the advantage? What does the client get that it wouldn't get elsewhere? Make the connection clear between service and partner offering.}

{Descriptive copy for accessibility}
{Partner company name}

{Highlight why a client would want to work with IBM in relation to the partner's offering. What's the advantage? What does the client get that it wouldn't get elsewhere? Make the connection clear between service and partner offering.}

{Descriptive copy for accessibility}


{Partner company name}

{Highlight why a client would want to work with IBM in relation to the partner's offering. What's the advantage? What does the client get that it wouldn't get elsewhere? Make the connection clear between service and partner offering.}

{Descriptive copy for accessibility}
{Partner company name}

{Highlight why a client would want to work with IBM in relation to the partner's offering. What's the advantage? What does the client get that it wouldn't get elsewhere? Make the connection clear between service and partner offering.}

{Descriptive copy for accessibility}
{Partner company name}

{Highlight why a client would want to work with IBM in relation to the partner's offering. What's the advantage? What does the client get that it wouldn't get elsewhere? Make the connection clear between service and partner offering.}

{Descriptive copy for accessibility}


{Optional section intro can summarize how industries benefit from the service. Avoid marketing jargon. Keep it short to maintain interest.}

{Industry name}

{Describe how the industry benefits from the service. Name specific service capabilities that let clients meet goals, and explain what is achieved. Make sure all card descriptions are the same length.}

{Industry name}

{Describe how the industry benefits from the service. Name specific service capabilities that let clients meet goals, and explain what is achieved. Make sure all card descriptions are the same length.}

{Industry name}

{Describe how the industry benefits from the service. Name specific service capabilities that let clients meet goals, and explain what is achieved. Make sure all card descriptions are the same length.}


{Title of an excellent IBM asset that comes with an excellent image} {Tease a specific insight}
{Title of IBM insight asset} {Title of IBM insight asset} {Title of IBM insight asset}
Resources {Resource title}

{Please avoid using this section. Instead, weave in relevant resources in context throughout the page with inline links.}

Resources title

Please avoid using this section. Instead, weave in relevant resources in context throughout the page with inline links.

Resources title

Please avoid using this section. Instead, weave in relevant resources in context throughout the page with inline links.

Related solutions {Solution topic} solutions

{Describe what potential clients will learn on the related solutions page. Be sure to make the connection between the service and the solutions page clear. All descriptions should be the same length.}

{Descriptive link to solutions page}
{Solution topic} solutions

{Describe what potential clients will learn on the related solutions page. Be sure to make the connection between the service and the solutions page clear. All descriptions should be the same length.}

{Descriptive link to solutions page}
{Solution topic} solutions

{Describe what potential clients will learn on the related solutions page. Be sure to make the connection between the service and the solutions page clear. All descriptions should be the same length.}

{Descriptive link to solutions page}
Take the next step

{Make a clear connection between the service and next step(s). Be explicit about value gained. If the best step is to contact IBM Garage, try, "Explore how [service name] can [type of improvement] in your business by scheduling a meeting with our experts in IBM Garage, [a type of thing] where we partner with you to develop solutions."}

{Primary CTA} {Secondary CTA}

{1 Report title, Publisher, XX Month XXXX}