Home Z software Z analytics IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS IBM Z IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS
Augment your experts with intelligent end-to-end analysis of mainframe performance data for early problem detection and faster problem resolution
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IBM Z® IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS® is advanced performance analysis software for IBM Z systems. It provides flexible data analysis through custom, no-code visualizations that allow analysts to identify risks and tune workloads. It modernizes mainframe performance analysis with next-level intelligence.

IBM Z IntelliMagic Vision for z/OS allows analysts to take control of their end-to-end mainframe environment with interactive insights and customizable reports to prevent availability risks and to manage and optimize performance and costs effectively. It augments the capabilities of both new and existing staff. Newer staff experience accelerated learning through easy-to-understand navigation and infrastructure connections and experienced staff have streamlined access to issue analysis and resolution.

Benefits Proactively analyze and prevent risks

Use built-in IntelliMagic Vision Health Insights feature and artificial intelligence to proactively identify risks, see anomalies, ensure availability and optimize your z/OS environment.

Optimize your IBM Z environment

Easily optimize your workloads and site configuration to ensure your IBM Z workloads and hybrid applications are running efficiently.

Enhance domain expertise

Use an intuitive and interactive interface with built-in best-practice thresholds and recommendations to accelerate new hire and cross-platform training.

Risk detection Risk detection with IntelliMagic Vision Health Insights

Prevent potential risks to infrastructure and application availability with explainable, built-in artificial intelligence that automatically assesses and rates more than 700 key z/OS metrics using context-sensitive thresholds based on built-in expert domain knowledge.

Automated anomaly detection IntelliMagic Vision Change Detection views

Automated and flexible z/OS anomaly detection using statistical analysis that highlights statistically significant changes in key metrics accelerates problem-solving by quickly identifying what changed in the areas of concern. It can also enable you to get an early jump on changes that may have a negative impact.

Interactive GUI A modern and interactive GUI

Gain intuitive and correlated visibility into the z/OS measurement data across the z/OS infrastructure with application-specific views segmented from the shared z/OS infrastructure resources. In contrast to approaches today that require coding reports or mastering different tooling sets focused on different and isolated areas of the infrastructure, IntelliMagic Vision’s single interface used across the entire z/OS platform greatly expedites learning, promotes collaboration and enhances analytical effectiveness.

Customizable reports Dynamically customizable reports

Advanced click-to-customize capabilities enable ad hoc analysis without requiring programming or complicated steps and enables visualizations best suited to the current inquiry.

Context drill downs Context sensitive drill downs

Flexible and context sensitive drill downs enable an analyst to identify the most relevant alternative analytical paths based on the current view so that each hypothesis can be investigated with just a few clicks. This greatly accelerates problem solving by quickly eliminating “dead-end” paths. When dealing with massive data volumes, this capability to focus analysis on the desired subset of data becomes especially valuable.

SaaS delivery AIOps via SaaS Delivery

Advantages of adopting a cloud model include rapid implementation (no lead time to install and set up the product locally), minimal setup (only for transmitting data), offloading staff resources required to deal with processing issues or to install product maintenance and easy access to fractional IntelliMagic and IBM® consulting services to supplement local skills.

Case studies Availability for billions of daily transactions

Banco do Brasil proactively prevents potential availability issues, eliminated redundant tooling, reduced mean-time-to-resolution for problems and enhance communication and cooperation amongst different teams with IntelliMagic Vision.

Interactive mainframe analysis

Colruyt Group improved its IT processes and used IntelliMagic Vision for daily insight into consumption and other mainframe performance issues.

Storage performance and capacity management

DATEV uses IntelliMagic Vision to prepare their analysis on-the-fly in both tabular and graphical form at the press of a button, relieving experts from doing manual tasks and performing strategic planning.

Resources Smarter IT Operations Analytics

Learn about how IntelliMagic Vision provides useful reporting for both management and technical teams out of the box, helping make your IT operations analytics smarter.

What can you learn from SMF data

Understand how rapidly you could leverage easy visibility into RMF and SMF data to expand your understanding of how the z/OS ecosystem operates.

Related products IBM OMEGAMON®

Discover a suite of products used to monitor and manage sophisticated mainframe applications and environments.

IBM Z Anomaly Analytics

Discover a software that provides intelligent anomaly detection to identify operational issues in your enterprise environment proactively.

IBM Z Performance and Capacity Analytics

Manage z/OS system capacity and costs by collecting data in a Db2® database and present the data in a variety of formats for use in capacity planning and cost analysis/chargeback management.

Explore IBM Z AIOps portfolio of products
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