Inicio Título de página Think Madrid on-tour {Event title}
{Include date(s) and location—separated by an em dash}
{Register now (primary CTA)}
{Strong statement about the event topic and what will be tackled}

{The event wiki-description is the first sentence or two of the overview and uses inline links:

Format: [Host] [event type] [intended audience] [time and place] [event theme]. [IBM participation].

Example: [The Cloud Native Computing Foundation]’s flagship [conference] gathers [adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities] in [Detroit, MI from October 24–28], to discuss [the future of Kubernetes]. [Join IBM in Hall 3, booth 4].}

{After the event wiki-description, in a few short paragraphs, convey other compelling details about the event and its primary topics. Describe what attendees can expect to learn during the event. Highlight any notable speakers, moderators or location information. Include inline links to learn pages, etc., as needed.

If there's a superior, highly relevant or attention-grabbing image or video (such as a sizzle reel) that’s part of the event or highly related, include it below.

  • Include bullets points to highlight compelling individual sessions or tease specific learnings.
  • Include bullets points to highlight compelling individual sessions or tease specific learnings.}
{Have questions?/More information}

{Descriptive CTA to helpful event-related information}

{Descriptive CTA to helpful event-related information}

{Descriptive CTA to helpful event-related information}


Acceda al catálogo, conozca el contenido de las sesiones y añádalas a su agenda

8:30 – 9:15


9:15 – 9:25


9:25 – 10:10

Acelere y escale su negocio con la IA y la cloud híbrida

Kareem Yusuf, Ph.D. SVP Product Management and Growth, IBM Software,
Horacio Morell. General Manager, IBM SPGI
-> Alejandro Beltrán, CEO McKinsey España *
-> José Bogas, CEO Endesa España

10:10 – 10:40

Libere el poder de la IA generativa para simplificar y optimizar las operaciones tecnológicas de su empresa

10:40 – 11:15

Impulse la productividad de su negocio con watsonx assistants

11:15 – 12:45

Think Forum: sesiones, casos de uso, demostraciones, networking...


12:45 – 13:15

watsonx: amplifique el impacto de la IA generativa con datos confiables y gobernanza

13:15 – 13:45

La cloud híbrida diseñada con y para la IA generativa: la arquitectura que la IA necesita

13:45 – 14:15

El futuro de la IA es abierto

14:15 – 17:00

Think Forum: sesiones, casos de uso, demostraciones, networking...

{9:00 AM–10:00 AM EST} {Session name}

{Don’t use ampersands (&) or periods in any of the session titles and always use sentence case unless a proper name is used. In the time range, always use an en dash (Mac: Option + Hyphen (-)). Here, describe the session, highlighting key points and speakers.}

{9:00 AM–10:00 AM EST} {Session name}

{Don’t use ampersands (&) or periods in any of the session titles and always use sentence case unless a proper name is used. In the time range, always use an en dash (Mac: Option + Hyphen (-)). Here, describe the session, highlighting key points and speakers.}

{9:00 AM–10:00 AM EST} {Session name}

{Don’t use ampersands (&) or periods in any of the session titles and always use sentence case unless a proper name is used. In the time range, always use an en dash (Mac: Option + Hyphen (-)). Here, describe the session, highlighting key points and speakers.}


{Don’t use ampersands (&) or periods in any of the session titles and always use sentence case unless a proper name is used. In the time range, always use an en dash (Mac: Option + Hyphen (-)). Here, describe the session, highlighting key points and speakers.}

{Don’t use ampersands (&) or periods in any of the session titles and always use sentence case unless a proper name is used. In the time range, always use an en dash (Mac: Option + Hyphen (-)). Here, describe the session, highlighting key points and speakers.}

{Don’t use ampersands (&) or periods in any of the session titles and always use sentence case unless a proper name is used. In the time range, always use an en dash (Mac: Option + Hyphen (-)). Here, describe the session, highlighting key points and speakers.}

{Don’t use ampersands (&) or periods in any of the session titles and always use sentence case unless a proper name is used. In the time range, always use an en dash (Mac: Option + Hyphen (-)). Here, describe the session, highlighting key points and speakers.}


Jesús Mantas. Global Managing Partner, IBM Consulting
Ana Gobernado, Managing Partner, IBM Consulting SPGI
External Speaker: MASORANE & GISS (TBC)

11:30 - 11:50         Tech byte


Think Forum Floor: watsonx.governance Enterprise-grade AI governance AI Governance for all your environments

Speaker: Eduard Sule & María Navas

11:30 - 12:00             Spotlight


Stage 1: Quantum Unlock business value by accelerating quantum and quantum-safe readiness

IBM; Carlos Creus
External Speaker: Escolástico Sánchez. Quantum Leader BBVA (TBC)

Stage 2: AI Ops + Fin Ops: AI for IT operations Delivering better outcomes with AI-driven enterprise operations and value management

Etxernal Speakers: Client  + Partner *  (TBC)

Tech byte

11:50 -12:05 Tech byte 2: Consulting + Code Creating competitive advantage through human expertise with AI

Consulting Speaker

12:10 - 12: Spotlight - 3: Hybrid Cloud 1: Deploy and modernize apps with IBM and RH OpenShift Modernize to win and retain customers

IBM: Carmen Prada / Arturio Gavilán
Extarnel Speakers: GISS, Sermas (tbc)

Spotlight 4: foundation models for gen AI Deploy the right AI model with ease and cost efficacy 

IBM: Jacobo Garnacho
 - Integra* + Cobas  (TBC)
 - Timestamp/SCL* (TBC) + Santa Lucia (TBC)


{Don’t use ampersands (&) or periods in any of the session titles and always use sentence case unless a proper name is used. In the time range, always use an en dash (Mac: Option + Hyphen (-)). Here, describe the session, highlighting key points and speakers.}

{Don’t use ampersands (&) or periods in any of the session titles and always use sentence case unless a proper name is used. In the time range, always use an en dash (Mac: Option + Hyphen (-)). Here, describe the session, highlighting key points and speakers.}

{Venue name} {Provide brief highlights about the venue (location and facilities) and describe anything else attendees may find interesting (“known for...” etc.). Include links below as needed.} {Provide a venue-related action} {Optional secondary action}
{Venue name}

{Provide brief highlights about the venue (location and facilities) and describe anything else attendees may find interesting (“known for...” etc.). Include one link below as needed.}

{Provide a venue-related action}
Event Partners
Additional information

{In a sentence or two, summarize the additional information in the content items below, emphasizing key learnings.}

{Provide a short introductory heading for the content items}
{Brief, descriptive heading}

{Provide a description of the content item and what attendees need to know.}

{Descriptive link for content item}
{Brief, descriptive heading}

{Provide a description of the content item and what attendees need to know.}

{Descriptive link for content item}
Additional information

{In a sentence or two, summarize the additional information in the content items below, emphasizing key learnings.}

{Provide a short introductory heading for the content items}
{Brief, descriptive heading}

{Provide a description of the content item and what attendees need to know.}

{Descriptive link for content item}
{Brief, descriptive heading}

{Provide a description of the content item and what attendees need to know.}

{Descriptive link for content item}

Related content

{Title of thought leadership asset that’s highly relevant to the event topic} {Tease a specific insight}
{Title of event-related thought leadership asset} {Title of event-related thought leadership asset} {Title of event-related thought leadership asset}
Upcoming events {Event name}

{Provide a compelling description of the upcoming event/event topic. Include compelling details such as topics, speakers or location information. Make sure each description in the section is the same length.}

{Event name}

{Provide a compelling description of the upcoming event/event topic. Include compelling details such as topics, speakers or location information. Make sure each description in the section is the same length.}

{Event name}

{Provide a compelling description of the upcoming event/event topic. Include compelling details such as topics, speakers or location information. Make sure each description in the section is the same length.}

{Registration/Next steps}

{Provide one or two short sentences describing what people can expect to do or learn when they click the CTA button. Use the same CTA from the leadspace.}

{Register now (primary CTA)}

{1 Report title, Publisher, XX Month XXXX}