What's new in 1.1.4 (December 2023)

This information contains an overview of the major changes to IBM Z® ChatOps 1.1.4.

New Kafka event support
  • You can post any topic of any Apache Kafka event to chat tool channels to notify that some incidents happen and need to be taken care of in a uniform format and looking. For more information, see Common Incident Data Model.
  • You can also add your own filtering rules and mapping rules to customize what kind of inbound Kafka topics are posted to channels automatically. For more information, see Integrating with Apache Kafka events.
New embedded chat window
  • You can embed the new platform and framework agnostic chat window into any web application by adding the chat-window element to enable chatops capability for your web application along with customizable conversational page driven capability, that is, your host page can be automatically switched and synchronized per your chatting topic with the chat bot.
  • All Z ChatOps capabilities are available in the embedded chat windows with enhanced workflow for operation authentication workflow.
  • Auto-registering, style theme (dark and light) and chatting message persistence are also provided together.
For more information, see Integrating with embedded chat window.
Miscellaneous enhancements
  • Security enhancement

    Z ChatOps data encryption is enhanced with more secure hash algorithm. You can also run Z ChatOps container with more security options such as AllowPrivilegeEscalation, readOnlyRootFilesyste and Apparmor/SeLinux.

  • Start-up process enhancement

    Z ChatOps start-up process is enhanced with clearer steps and more application level event and exception.