Listing resource details of OMEGAMON®

You can ask bnz to list the status of an OMEGAMON resource or check the details of the resources.


  1. To list the status of a resource, use command, for example, @bnz lpar, or @bnz lpar list status.
    Figure 1. lpar status
    lpar status
    Note: More resources like Tivoli® Enterprise Portal Server(TEPS) server, CICS®plex, CICS region, Db2®, network, storage group, storage volume, Information Management System(IMS), Java™ virtual machines(JVM), MQ are also available. For more information, see IBM Z ChatOps Commands.
  2. You can select a resource from the drop-down list and then click Show details to view details of the specified OMEGAMON resource.
    Figure 2. Select a resource
    select resource to show details
  3. View details about the resource. Z ChatOps provides links to Service Management Unite or Z Workload Scheduler workspace that you can launch to view additional information.
    Figure 3. View details
    view details
    Note: To get the links to Z Workload Scheduler (IZSME) workspace, you must enable IZSME in Service Management Unite. For more information, see SMU docs.