What's new in 1.1.3 (March 2023)

This information contains an overview of the major changes to IBM Z® ChatOps 1.1.3.

Enhanced operation experience in chat tools
  • Intelligent response

    When you type commands without entering required options, Z ChatOps can now prompt you with the option you must enter next as a drop-down list or lists of resources that you can select. This further simplifies your command experience. This feature supports data from System Automation, OMEGAMON, and Z Workload Scheduler. See Using auto-prompt for required options for more information.

  • Command aliases

    You can now create aliases for your frequently used commands with as little as a single character. This allows you to create shortcuts for commands and improves your productivity by saving you a lot of time to type the same commands again and again. For example, you can set 1 as the alias for the workstation list status --en SAT1IWS command.

    To create an alias, you can modify the config/bnz-command-alias.yaml configuration file and then run bnzsvr restart. For more information, see Configuring aliases and Using command aliases.

  • Auto-reply in thread

    For Mattermost and Slack, all messages will be automatically shown in the main window unless you click "Reply in thread" to collapse your current talking. In this release, all the bot responses to mouse-clicking will be shown in a thread. This lets you drill down results in more detail without cluttering a channel or direct message. This mode is enabled by default.

    To enable or disable this mode for your chat platform, edit the corresponding chat platform configuration file in your config/chattools directory.

  • Default actions and objects

    You can now list the status of some actions without entering the list status command to improve operation efficiency. For example, @bnz system shows the status of all systems on all domains, which returns the same as you enter @bnz system list status.

Enhanced integration with other products
  • Enhanced incident views

    Added link to SMU dashboard for incidents. With enhancements to the Common Incident Data Model, you can now get links to resources to view incident details from Service Management Unite.

  • Enhanced OMEGAMON detail views

    Added link to IBM Z Service Management Explorer (IZSME) workspace to help you view more detail about OMEGAMON resources. In previous releases, only links to Service Management Unite dashboard are provided. To get the link, ensure that IZSME is enabled in Service Management Unite. For more information, see Listing resource details of OMEGAMON.

  • Enhanced options for System Automation

    You can now execute command (start/stop/restart/suspend) on specified automation resource with more options like comment and override in chat tools using commands or mouse navigation.

Miscellaneous enhancements
  • Container runs as non-root user

    In this release, IBM Z ChatOps container runs as non-root user zchatops to make the container more secure.

  • Mask secret info in log files

    In this release, all sensitive information related to password, token (bot and app tokens), signing secrets in log files are masked while bnzsvr service starts or when you issue commands in chat tools to avoid potential security pitfalls. This includes log files for Z ChatOps and Common Bot Framework.

  • Documentation enhancements
    • Added a new troubleshooting topic about enabling debug mode to help you collect more logs for troubleshooting purposes.
    • Updated the screen captures about configuring chat platforms.