First failure data capture (ffdc)

Describes how the data capture tool is used automatically by components of the product to create a first failure data capture of the products logs, traces and configuration files.

To assist in troubleshooting, several modules of the product have been enabled to create a first failure data capture in the event of failure. This facility uses the data capture tool wa_pull_info (see Data capture utility) to copy logs, traces, configuration files and the database contents (if the database is on DB2®) and create a compressed file that you can send to IBM® Software Support.

This tool is run in the following circumstances:
Jobman fails
If batchman detects that jobman has failed, it runs the script, placing the output in <TWA_home>/stdlist/
Batchman fails
If mailman detects that batchman has failed, it runs the script, placing the output in <TWA_home>/stdlist/
Mailman fails
If mailman detects that it itself has failed with a terminal error, it runs the script, placing the output in <TWA_home>/stdlist/ Note that process hard stops, for example, segmentation violations, are not tracked by mailman itself.
Netman child process fails
If netman detects that one of its child processes has failed, it runs the script, placing the output in <TWA_home>/stdlist/

Only one data collection is kept for each day. Each day a new data collection overwrites the previous day's collection.

Within each of the target output directories, the output file is stored in the /tws_info/TWS_yyyymmdd_hhmmss directory.

To perform ffdc, the wa_pull_info script is run by a script called (.cmd). You can customize this script (located in <TWA_home>/TWS/bin ) to apply different parameters to the wa_pull_info script for any of the enabled modules (jobman, mailman, batchman and netman)