Accessing the files

The IBM Entitled Registry provides access to the IBM Watson Speech to Text Library for Embed images. Once you've obtained the entitlement key from the container software library, you can login to the registry with the key to pull the images.


  • Docker version 18.06.0 or greater

Getting the Docker image

Once you have obtained your IBM Entitled Registry entitlement key, run the following command to allow Docker to access the images.

docker login --username cp --password <entitlement_key>

Watson Speech to Text for Embed images

The Speech to Text runtime images are:

Container Image Image Digest sha256:c5ad7754895e1b0b9c48714562049cc08f042fb75c670ae4f7392cfd6fe7676b sha256:5bc6e090741b0a58fa14d854ca157856fc578de27f9c938e1295e2329b3662ab sha256:480904f0b33807406aa78d407220489ac3324daf696d72bdf79e766482c3d3d3 sha256:f92a72a9fe87c4041ae1a07daa33c37473149c297bead108423080e20ba24293

The Watson Speech to Text runtime requires additional model files to function. Pretrained models are also available as container images from the IBM Entitled Registry. The available model images are listed in the models catalog.

Next steps

Deploy the runtime container image using one of several available options. See Running the containers for details.