Defining missing values

  1. Make the Data Editor the active tab.
  2. Expand the Variables pane that is available near the bottom of the Data Editor.
  3. Select a User-missing values cell for the appropriate variable to display the Missing values settings dialog.
  4. Click the Enable toggle control, select either Up to 3 discrete values or Range from the Definition drop-down list.
    • When Up to 3 discrete values is selected, click Add discrete value and enter a discrete value that represents missing data. You can repeat the process up to three time.
    • When Range is selected enter the values or range of values that represent missing data.
  • All string values, including null or blank values, are considered to be valid unless you explicitly define them as missing.
  • Missing values for string variables cannot exceed eight bytes. (There is no limit on the defined width of the string variable, but defined missing values cannot exceed eight bytes.)
  • To define null or blank values as missing for a string variable, enter a single space in the Discrete value field.