Syntax Rules

When you run commands from a command syntax window during a session, you are running commands in interactive mode.

The following rules apply to command specifications in interactive mode:

Note: For compatibility with other modes of command execution (including command files run with INSERT or INCLUDE commands in an interactive session), each line of command syntax should not exceed 256 characters.

Command syntax is case insensitive, and three- or four-letter abbreviations can be used for many command specifications. You can use as many lines as you want to specify a single command. You can add space or break lines at almost any point where a single blank is allowed, such as around slashes, parentheses, arithmetic operators, or between variable names. For example,

  /PERCENTILES=25 50 75


freq var=jobcat gender /percent=25 50 75 /bar.

are both acceptable alternatives that generate the same results.


For command files run via the INCLUDE command, batch mode syntax rules apply.

The following rules apply to command specifications in batch mode:

Unless you have existing command files that already use the INCLUDE command, you should probably use the INSERT command instead, since it can accommodate command files that conform to either set of rules. If you generate command syntax by pasting dialog box choices into a syntax window, the format of the commands is suitable for any mode of operation. See the Command Syntax Reference (available in PDF format from the Help menu) for more information.