



Use the charraymember command to modify an array member's attributes, or to swap a member of a RAID array with that of another drive.



>>-charraymember-- -member --member_id-- ----------------------->

>--+- -balanced ---------------+-- --+- mdisk_id ---+----------><

   +- -newdrive --new_drive_id-+     '- mdisk_name -'   

   +- -immediate --------------+                        

   '- -unbalanced -------------'                        



-member member_id

         Identifies the array member index.


         (Optional) Forces the array member spare goals to be set
         to the:

         *  Present array member goals

         *  Existing exchange goals

         *  The newDrive goals

         Note: If -balanced is specified and the goal
         of the associated array MDisk changes, the tier of the
         array MDisk is updated to match the new goal.

-newdrive new_drive_id

         (Optional) Identifies the drive to add to the array.


         (Optional) Specifies that the old disk is to be
         immediately removed from the array, and the new disk
         rebuilt. If you do not choose this option, exchange is
         used; this preserves redundancy during the rebuild.


         (Optional) Forces the array member to change if the
         newDrive does not meet array member goals.


         (Either the ID or the name is required) Identifies which
         ID array the MDisk command applies to.


         (Either the ID or the name is required) Identifies which
         name array the MDisk command applies to.  


This command modifies an array member's attributes, or to swap a member of a RAID array with that of another drive.

Specify -balanced and the system examines the mirrored pair containing the member (including the new member drive's properties). If the array is mirror-based and the new drive is:

* On the same chain as the other member of this pair, it removes
   the chain-balancing goal from the array

* Not on the same chain as the other member of this pair (and
   there is only one mirrored pair) the array becomes

Because charraymember is member-focussed this command only operates locally to the member being operated on in terms of interacting with the new chain balanced goal.

Table 1 shows the command combination options.

Table 1. charraymember combination options

| Option | Description |
| -balanced | * Member goals are set to the properties |
| | of the existing member or exchange drive. |
| | * The command will fail if the member is |
| | not populated with a drive. |
| | * Member goals are set to the properties |
| | of the current member drives being |
| | exchanged into the array count as members. |
| | * If no exchange exists, the existing |
| | member drive goals are used. |
| -newdrive | * The command processes the exchange, and |
| drive_id | does NOT update the member goals. |
| | * You must specify a new drive that is an |
| | exact match for the member goals. |
| | * The command will fail if the drive is |
| | not an exact match. |
| -newdrive | The command processes the exchange and |
| drive_id | updates the member goals to the properties |
| -balanced | of the new drive. |
| -newdrive | * The command processes the exchange and |
| drive_id | does NOT update the member goals. |
| -unbalanced | * This is only permitted when the array is |
| | degraded and the member is empty. |
| | * This means -immediate is mute, the |
| | exchange is always immediate. |
| | * Later, if drives are a sufficient member |
| | goal match, the array rebalance selects |
| | those drives. |
| | * A balancing exchange restarts the member |
| | goals. |


An invocation example to swap a spare or candidate drive for a

member 0 drive using exchange" An invocation example to swap a spare or candidate drive for a member 0 drive using exchange

charraymember -member 0 -newdrive 4 mdisk2

The resulting output:

No feedback  

An invocation example to swap a spare or candidate drive for a

member 1 drive and start component rebuild for the new member" An invocation example to swap a spare or candidate drive for a member 1 drive and start component rebuild for the new member

charraymember -member 1 -newdrive 3 -immediate mdisk3

The resulting output:

No feedback  

An invocation example to swap in a spare or candidate drive for

member index 2" An invocation example to swap in a spare or candidate drive for member index 2

If there is a drive present the exchange occurs:

charraymember -member 2 -newdrive 4 mdisk4

The resulting output:

No feedback  

An invocation example to force member 4 to change its spare

goals to its associated drive" An invocation example to force member 4 to change its spare goals to its associated drive

charraymember -member 4 -balanced mdisk6

The resulting output:

No feedback  

An invocation example to force an exchange and make the array

change its goals to the new drive" An invocation example to force an exchange and make the array change its goals to the new drive

charraymember -member 3 -newdrive 9 -balanced mdisk5

The resulting output:

No feedback  

An invocation example to force an unbalancing exchange when drive

8 does not match the goals" An invocation example to force an unbalancing exchange when drive 8 does not match the goals

charraymember -member 2 -newdrive 8 -unbalanced mdisk5

The resulting output:

No feedback  

An invocation example to force an immediate exchange and make the

array change its goals to the new drive" An invocation example to force an immediate exchange and make the array change its goals to the new drive

charraymember -member 3 -newdrive 9 -balanced -immediate mdisk5

The resulting output:

No feedback



An invocation example to swap a spare or candidate drive for a
An invocation example to swap a spare or candidate drive for a
An invocation example to swap in a spare or candidate drive for
An invocation example to force member 4 to change its spare
An invocation example to force an exchange and make the array
An invocation example to force an unbalancing exchange when drive
An invocation example to force an immediate exchange and make the


Licensed Materials - Property of IBM, 5639-VF1, (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2012. All rights reserved.

Alphabetized list of all commands