Job accounting journal entry field information

These tables list the fields information that are in the job journal entry. Additional information about the various fields is found in the field reference files QSYS/QAJBACG and QSYS/QAJBACG4.

Table 1. Job journal entry fileds
Field Name (Character 14) Description Field Attributes Comments
JAJOB Job name Character (10)  
JAUSER Job user Character (10)  
JANBR Job number Zoned (6,0)  
JACDE Accounting code Character (15)  
JACPU Processing unit time used (in milliseconds) Packed decimal (11,0) The processing unit time does not include processing unit use and printer statistics for the creation of job logs.
JARTGS Number of routing steps Packed decimal (5,0)  
JAEDTE Job entered the system - Job entry date (mmddyy format) Character (6)  
JAETIM Job entered the system - Job entry time (hhmmss format) Character (6)  
JASDTE Job start date and time - Job start date (mmddyy format) Character (6) For job completion date and time from journal entries, use the JODATE and JOTIME fields that are part of the standard journal entry prefix information. (See the Backup and Recovery book for more information about these fields.) After an abnormal system ending, these fields contain the current date and time and not (as with CPF1164 messages) the actual time of the system ending.
JASTIM Job start date and time - Job start time (hhmmss format) Character (6) For job completion date and time from journal entries, use the JODATE and JOTIME fields that are part of the standard journal entry prefix information. (See the Backup and Recovery book for more information about these fields.) After an abnormal system ending, these fields contain the current date and time and not (as with CPF1164 messages) the actual time of the system ending.
JATRNT Total transaction time (in seconds) Packed decimal (11,0) The total transaction time is set to -1 when:
  • Time is set backward.
  • An overflow occurred in a file on a computation.
  • The system went down while the job was active.
JATRNS Number of transactions Packed decimal (11,0) The last transaction (SIGNOFF) is not counted.
JAAUX Synchronous auxiliary I/O operations and database operations (including page faults for any reason) Packed decimal (11,0)  
JATYPE Job type Character (1) The job types recorded are the following:
A Autostart job
B Batch job (includes communications and MRT)
I Interactive job
M Subsystem monitor
R Spooling reader
W Spooling writer
Note: These are the same as those used in message CPF1164, except that message CPF1164 includes some system job information not included in the journal entries.
JACCDE Completion code Packed decimal (3,0) The completion codes, which are similar to those used for message CPF1164, are:
000 Normal completion
010 Normal completion during controlled end
or controlled subsystem end
020 Job exceeded end severity
030 Job ended abnormally
040 Job ended before becoming active
050 Job ended while active
060 Subsystem ended abnormally while job
was active
070 System ended abnormally while job
was active
080 Job completed in the time limit
090 Job forced to complete after the time limit
has ended
099 Accounting entry caused by
JALINE Number of print lines Packed decimal (11,0) The number of print lines does not reflect what is actually printed. Spooled files can be canceled or printed with multiple copies. The information in the JB journal entry reflects only what was written by the program. This excludes any lines written for the job log. See the discussion on DP and SP printer file accounting data later in this chapter.
JAPAGE Number of printed pages Packed decimal (11,0)  
JAPRTF Number of print files Packed decimal (11,0)  
JADBPT Number of database write operations Packed decimal (11,0) The numbers recorded for database I/O operations do not include I/O operations to readers and writers, or I/O operations caused by the CL commands CPYSPLF, DSPSPLF, or WRKSPLF. If SEQONLY(*YES) is in effect, these numbers show each block of records read, not the number of individual records read.
JADBGT Number of database read operations Packed decimal (11,0) The numbers recorded for database I/O operations do not include I/O operations to readers and writers, or I/O operations caused by the CL commands CPYSPLF, DSPSPLF, or WRKSPLF. If SEQONLY(*YES) is in effect, these numbers show each block of records read, not the number of individual records read.
JADBUP Number of database update, delete FEOD, release, commit, and rollback operations Packed decimal (11,0) The numbers recorded for database I/O operations do not include I/O operations to readers and writers, or I/O operations caused by the CL commands CPYSPLF, DSPSPLF, or WRKSPLF. If SEQONLY(*YES) is in effect, these numbers show each block of records read, not the number of individual records read.
JACMPT Number of communications write operations Packed decimal (11,0) The numbers recorded for communications I/O operations do not include remote workstation activity. When the I/O is for a communications device, the numbers include only activity related to ICF files.
JACMGT Number of communications read operations Packed decimal (11,0) The numbers recorded for communications I/O operations do not include remote workstation activity. When the I/O is for a communications device, the numbers include only activity related to ICF files.
JAACT Time job was active (in milliseconds) Packed decimal (11,0)  
JASPN Time job was suspended (in milliseconds) Packed decimal (11,0)  
JAEDTL Timestamp job entered system (mmddyyyyhhmmss) Character (14)  
JAESTL Timestamp job started (mmddyyyyhhmmss) Character (14)  
JAAIO Asynchronous I/O for database and non-database operations Packed decimal (11,0)  
JAXCPU Expanded CPU time used Packed decimal (29,0)  
JAXSIO Expanded synchronous auxiliary I/O operations Packed decimal (29,0)  
JAXAIO Expanded asynchronous auxiliary I/O operations Packed decimal (29,0)  
JAXDBP Expanded number of database puts Packed decimal (29,0)  
JAXDBG Expanded number of database gets Packed decimal (29,0)  
JAXDBU Expanded number of database updates and deletes Packed decimal (29,0)  
JAXLIN Expanded number of lines printed Packed decimal (29,0)  
JAXPAG Expanded number of pages printed Packed decimal (29,0)  
JAXPRT Number of print files Packed decimal (29,0)