CL command keyword abbreviations
Each command parameter has a keyword name associated with it. The keyword name can be up to 10 characters.
Keyword names do not follow the same style as command names in that they do not necessarily begin with a command verb. Where possible, use a single word or abbreviation. For example, common keyword names in CL commands include OBJ (Object), LIB (Library), TYPE, OPTION, TEXT, and AUT (Authority).
Construct a keyword name whenever using more than a single word or abbreviation to describe the parameter. Construct the keyword name by using a combination of standard command abbreviations and short unabbreviated words. For example, OBJTYPE is a common keyword name which combines the abbreviation 'OBJ' with the short word 'TYPE'.
The two primary goals for keyword names are to be recognizable and to be consistent between commands that provide the same function. Use of simple words and standard abbreviations helps to make the keyword names recognizable.
The following table contains a list of abbreviations that are used in CL command parameter keyword names.
Keyword Abbreviation | Meaning |
A (suffix) | attributes, activity, address |
ABS | abstract, absolute |
ABN | abnormal |
AC | autocall |
ACC | access, access code |
ACCMTH | access method |
ACG | accounting |
ACK | acknowledge, acknowledgement |
ACN | action |
ACP | accept |
ACQ | acquire |
ACSE | association control service element |
ACT | active, activate, activation, activity, action |
ACTSNBU | activate switched network backup |
ADDR (or ADR) | address |
ADJ | adjacent, adjust |
ADL | additional |
ADM | administration, Application Development Manager |
ADMD | administration domain |
ADMDMN | administrative domain |
ADP | adopt, adaptive |
ADPT | adapter |
ADR (or ADDR) | address |
ADRLST | address list |
ADV | advance |
AFN | affinity |
AGT | agent |
AIX® | AIX operating system |
AJE | autostart job entry |
AFN | affinity |
AFP | advanced function printing |
ALC | allocate |
ALM | alarm |
ALR | alert |
ALRD | alert description |
ALS | alias |
ALW | allow |
ALWFWD | allow forwarding |
ALWPRX | allow proxy |
ANET | adjacent network entity title |
ANS | answer |
ANZ | analyze |
AP | access path |
APAR | authorized program analysis report |
APF | advanced printer function |
APPP | application process |
APW | advanced print writer |
APP | application |
APPC | advanced program-to-program communications |
APPN | advanced peer-to-peer networking |
APY | apply |
ARA | area |
ARP | address resolution protocol |
ASC | asynchronous communications |
ASCII | American National Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASMT | assignment |
ASN | assigned, association |
ASP | auxiliary storage pool |
AST | assistance |
ASYNC | asynchronous |
ATD | attended |
ATN (or ATTN) | attention |
ATR (or ATTR) | attribute |
ATTACH | attached |
ATTN (or ATN) | attention key |
ATTR (or ATR) | attribute |
AUD | audit, auditing |
AUT | authority, authorized, authorization, authentication |
AUTH | authentication |
AUTL | authorization list |
AUTO | automatic |
AUX | auxiliary |
AVG | average |
AVL | available |
BAL | balance |
BAS | BASIC language, base |
BCD | barcode, broadcast data |
BCH | batch |
BCKLT | backlight |
BCKUP (or BKU) | backup |
BDY | boundary |
BEX | branch extender |
BGU | business graphics utility |
BIN | binary |
BIO | block input/output |
BITS | data bits |
BKP | breakpoint |
BKT | bracket, backout |
BKU (or BCKUP) | backup |
BLDG | building |
BLK | block |
BLN | blinking cursor |
BND | binding, bind, bound |
BNR | banner |
BOT | bottom |
BRK | break |
BSC | binary synchronous communications |
BSCEL | binary synchronous communications equivalence link |
BSP | backspace |
BUF | buffer |
C | C language |
CAB | cabinet |
CAL | calendar |
CAP | capacity, capture |
CB | callback |
CBL | COBOL language |
CCD | call control data |
CCSID | coded character set identifier |
CCT | circuit |
CCF | credentials cache file |
CDE | code |
CDR | call detail records |
CFG | configuration |
CFGL | configuration list |
CFGLE | configuration list entry |
CFM | confirmation, confirm |
CGU | character generator utility |
CHAR (or CHR) | character |
CHAP | challenge-handshake authentication protocol |
CHG | change |
CHK | check |
CHKSUM | checksum |
CHKVOL | check volume identifier |
CHL | channel |
CHR (or CHAR) | character |
CHRSTR | character string |
CHT | chart |
CGY | category |
CIM | common information model |
CKR | checker |
CKS | checksum |
CL | control language |
CLG | catalog |
CLN | clean, cleaning, cleanup |
CLNS | connectionless-mode network service |
CLNUP (or CLN) | cleanup |
CLO | close |
CLR | clear |
CLS | class |
CLSF | class file |
CLT | client |
CLU | cluster |
CMD | command |
CMN | communications |
CMNE | communications entry |
CMP | compare |
CMT | commit, commitment, comment |
CNG | congestion |
CNL | cancel |
CNLMT (or CNNLMT) | connection limit |
CNN | connection |
CNNL | connection list |
CNNLMT | connection limit |
CNR | container |
CNS | constant |
CNT | contact |
CNTL (or CTL) | control |
CNTRY | country |
CNV | conversation |
COD | code |
CODPAG | code page |
CODE | code, cooperative development environment |
COL | column, collect, collection |
COM | common, community |
COMPACT | compact, compaction |
CON | confidential |
CONCAT | concatenation |
COND | condition |
CONS | connection-mode network service |
CONTIG | contiguous |
CONT | continue |
COS | class-of-service |
COSD | class-of-service description |
COSTBYTE | cost per byte |
COSTCNN | cost per connection |
COVER | cover letter |
CP | control point |
CPB | change profile branch, compatibility |
CPI | characters per inch |
CPL | complete |
CPP | C++ language |
CPR | compressed, compress |
CPS | call progress signal |
CPT | component |
CPU | central processing unit |
CPY | copy |
CPYRGT | copyright |
CRC | cyclic redundancy check |
CRDN | credentials |
CRG | charges, charging, cluster resource group |
CRL | correlation |
CRQ | change request |
CRQD | change request description |
CRSDMNK | cross-domain key |
CRT | create |
CSI | communications side information |
CSL | console |
CSR | cursor |
CST | constraint, cost |
CTG | cartridge |
CTL | controller, control |
CTLD | controller description |
CTLP | control port |
CTN | contention |
CTS | clear to send |
CTX | context |
CUR | current |
CURPWD | current password |
CVG | coverage |
CVN | conversion |
CVR | cover |
CVT | convert, converting |
CXT (or CTX) | context |
CYC | cycle |
D (suffix) | description |
DAP | directory access protocol |
DAT | date |
DB | database |
DBCS | double-byte character set |
DBF | database file |
DBG | debug |
DBR | database relations |
DCE | data communications equipment, distributed computing environment |
DCL | declare |
DCP | decompress |
DCT | dictionary |
DDI | distributed data interface |
DDM | distributed data management |
DDMF | distributed data management file |
DDS | data description specification |
DEC | decimal |
DEGREE | parallel processing degree |
DEL | delivery |
DEP | dependent |
DEPT | department |
DES | data encryption standard |
DEST | destination |
DEV | device |
DEVD | device description |
DFN | definition, defined |
DFR | defer |
DFT | default |
DFU | data file utility |
DIAG | dialogue |
DIF | differences |
DIFF | differentiated |
DIR | directory |
DKT | diskette |
DLC | deallocate |
DLO | document library object |
DLT | delete |
DLVRY | delivery |
DLY | delay |
DMD | demand |
DMN | domain |
DMP | dump |
DN | distinguished name |
DOC | document |
DPR | DataPropagator Relational |
DRAWER | drawers |
DRT | direct |
DRV | drive |
DSA | directory systems agent |
DSAP | destination service access point |
DSB | disable, disabled |
DSC | disconnect |
DSK | disk |
DSP | display |
DST | daylight savings time, dedicated service tools, distribution |
DTA | data |
DTE | data terminal equipment |
DTL | detail |
DUP | duplicate |
DVL | development |
DWN | down |
DYN | dynamic |
E (suffix) | entry |
EBCDIC | extended binary-coded decimal interchange code |
ECN | explicit congestion notification |
EDT | edit |
EDU | education |
EIM | enterprise identity mapping |
EJT | eject |
ELAN | ethernet LAN |
ELEM | element |
ELY | early |
EML | emulate, emulation |
ENB | enable |
ENC | encode |
ENR | enrollment |
ENT | enter, entries |
ENV | environment |
EOF | end of file |
EOR | end of record |
EOV | end of volume |
ERR | error |
ESC | escape |
EST | establish, established |
ETH | ethernet |
EVT | event |
EXC | exclude |
EXCH | exchange |
EXD | extend, extended |
EXEC | executive |
EXIST | existence |
EXN | extension |
EXP | expiration, expire |
EXPR | expression |
EXPTIME | expired time |
EXT | extract, extend, extended |
F (suffix) | file |
FAIL | failure |
Fnn | function key 'nn' |
FA | file attributes |
FAX | facsimile |
FCL | facilities |
FCN | function, functional |
FCT | forms control table |
FCTE | forms control table entry |
FEA | front end application |
FEA | front end application |
FEAT | feature |
FID | file identifier |
FIL | file |
FLD | field |
FLG | flag |
FLIB | files library |
FLR | folder |
FLW | flow |
FLV | failover |
FMA | font management aid |
FMT | format |
FNC | finance |
FNT | font |
FORMDF | form definition |
FP | focal point |
FRAC | fraction |
FRC | force |
FRI | Friday |
FRM | from, frame |
FRQ | frequency |
FSC | fiscal |
FSN | file sequence number |
FST | first |
FTAM | file transfer, access, and management |
FTP | file transfer protocol (TCP/IP) |
FTR | filter |
GC | garbage collection |
GCH | garbage collection heap |
GDF | graphics data file |
GDL | guideline, guidelines |
GEN | generate, generation |
GID | group identifier number |
GIV | give |
GLB | global |
GNL | general |
GOVR | governor |
GPH | graph |
GRP | group |
GRT | grant |
GSS | graphics symbol set |
GVUP | give up |
HA | high availability |
HCP | host command processor |
HDL (or HNDL) | handle |
HDR | header |
HDW | hardware |
HEX | hexadecimal |
HFS | hierarchical file systems |
HLD | hold, held |
HLL | high-level language |
HLP | help |
HLR | holder |
HNDL (or HDL) | handle |
HPCP | host to printer code page |
HPFCS | host to printer font character set |
HPR | high performance routing |
HRZ | horizontal |
HST | history, historical |
HTML | hypertext markup language |
HTTP | hypertext transfer protocol (TCP/IP) |
I (suffix) | information, ILE |
ICF | intersystem communication function |
ICV | initial chaining value |
ID | identifier, identification |
IDD | interactive data definition |
IDL | idle |
IDLC | integrated data link control |
IDP | interchange document profile |
IDX | index |
IE | information element |
IFC | interface |
IGC | ideographic (double-byte character set) |
IGN | ignore |
IFC | interface |
ILE | Integrated Language Environment® |
IMG | image |
IMMED | immediate |
IN | input |
INAC (or INACT) | inactivity |
INACT (or INAC) | inactivity |
INC | include |
INCR | incremental |
IND | indirect |
INF | information |
INFSKR | Infoseeker |
INH | inhibit |
INIT | initiate |
INL | initial |
INM | intermediate |
INP | input |
INPACING | inbound pacing |
INQ | inquiry |
INS | install |
INST | instance |
INT | interactive, integer, internal |
INTNET | Internet |
INTNETA | Internet address |
INTR | intrasystem |
INV | invitee, inventory, invoke |
INZ | initialize, initialization |
IP | Internet protocol |
IP6 | Internet protocol version 6, IPv6 |
IPDS | Intelligent Printer Data Stream |
IPI | IP over IPX |
IPL | initial program load |
IPX | internet packet exchange |
ISDN | integrated services digital network |
ISP | internet service provider |
IT | intermediate text, internal text |
ITF | interactive terminal facility |
ITM | item |
ITV | interval |
IW2 | IPX WAN version 2 protocol |
J (suffix) | job |
JDFT | join default |
JE (suffix) | job entry |
JFLD | join field |
JORDER | join file order |
JRN | journal |
JRNRCV | journal receiver |
JVA | Java™ |
KBD | keyboard |
KNW | know, knowledge |
KPF | Kanji printer function |
KWD | keyword |
L (suffix) | list |
LADN | library assigned document name |
LAN | local area network |
LANG (or LNG) | language |
LBL | label |
LCL | local |
LCLE | local location entry |
LCK | lock |
LDTIME | lead time |
LE (suffix) | list entry |
LEC | LAN emulation client |
LECS | LAN emulation configuration server |
LEN | length |
LES | LAN emulation server |
LF | logical file |
LFM | logical file member |
LFT | left |
LGL | logical |
LIB | library |
LIBL | library list |
LIC | license, licensed, licensed internal code |
LIFTM | lifetime |
LIN | line, line description |
LMI | local management interface |
LMT | limit |
LNG (or LANG) | language |
LNK | link |
LNR | listener |
LOC | location |
LOD | load |
LPI | lines per inch |
LRC | longitudinal redundancy check |
LRG | large |
LRSP | local response |
LSE | lease |
LST | list, last |
LTR | letter |
LUW | logical unit of work |
LVL | level |
LWS | local workstation |
LZYWRT | lazy write |
M (suffix) | member, messages |
MAC | macro, medium access control |
MAINT | maintenance |
MAJ | major |
MAP | map, manufacturing automation protocol |
MAX | maximum |
MBR | member |
MBRS | members |
MCA | message channel agent |
MCH | machine |
MDL | model |
MDM | modem |
MDTA | message data |
MED | media, medium |
MEDI | media information |
METAFILE | metatable file |
MFR | manufacturer |
MFS | mounted file system |
MGR | manager |
MGRR | manager registration |
MGT | management |
MID | middle |
MIN | minimal, minimize |
MLB | media library device |
MLT | multiplier, multiple |
MM | multimedia |
MNG | manage |
MNT | maintenance, mount, mounted |
MNU | menu |
MOD | mode, module |
MODD | mode description |
MODLVL | modification level |
MON | monitor, Monday |
MOV | move |
MQM | Message Queue Manager |
MRG | merge |
MRK | mark |
MRT | multiple requester terminal |
MSF | mail server framework |
MSG | message |
MSGS | messages |
MSGQ | message queue |
MSR | measurement |
MSS | managed system services |
MST | master |
MTD | mounted |
MTG | meeting |
MTU | maximum transmission unit |
MTH | method |
MULT (or MLT) | multiple |
M36 | AS/400 Advanced 36 machine |
M36CFG | AS/400 Advanced 36 machine configuration |
N (suffix) | name, network |
NAM | name |
NBC | non-broadcast |
NBR | number |
NCK | nickname |
NDE | node |
NDM | normal disconnect mode |
NDS | NetWare directory services |
NEG | negative, negotiation |
NEP | never-ending program |
NET | network |
NFY | notify |
NGH | neighbor |
NL | network-layer |
NLSP | NetWare link services protocol |
NML | namelist |
NNAM (or NCK) | nickname |
NOD | node |
NODL | node list |
NORM | normal |
NOTVLD | not valid |
NPRD | nonproductive |
NRM | normal, normal response mode |
NRZI | non-return-to-zero-inverted |
NT | network termination |
NTBD | NetBIOS description |
NTC | notice |
NTF | NetFinity |
NTP | network time protocol |
NTS | Notes |
NTW | NetWare |
NTW3 | NetWare 3.12 |
NUM | numeric, number |
NWI | network interface |
NWID | network interface description |
NWS | network server |
NWSD | network server description |
NXT | next |
OBJ | object |
OBS | observable information |
OFC | office |
OFSET | offset |
OMT | omit |
OPN | open |
OPR | operator, operating |
OPT | option, optical, optimum |
ORD | order |
ORG | organization, organizational |
ORGUNIT | organizational unit |
OS | operating system |
OSDB | object store database |
OUT | output |
OVF | overflow |
OVL | overlay |
OVR | override |
OVRFLW | overflow |
OWN | owner, owned |
PAD | packet assembly/disassembly |
PAG | page, paginate |
PAL | product activity log |
PARM | parameter |
PASTHR | pass-through |
PBL | probable |
PBX | private branch exchange |
PC | personal computer |
PCD | PC document |
PCL | protocol |
PCO | PC organizer |
PCS | personal computer support |
PCT | percent |
PCTA | personal computer text assist |
PCY | policy |
portable document format | |
PDG | print descriptor group |
PDM | programming development manager |
PDU | protocol data unit |
PENWTH | pen width |
PERS | personal |
PF | physical file |
PFnn | program function key 'nn' |
PFD | printout format definition |
PFM | physical file member |
PFVLM | physical file variable-length member |
PFR | performance |
PFX | prefix |
PGM | program |
PGP | primary group |
PGR | pager |
PHCP | printer to host code page |
PHFCS | printer to host font character set |
PHS | phase |
PHY | physical |
PIN | personal identification number |
PJE | prestart job entry |
PKA | public key algorithm |
PKG | package |
PKT | packet |
PL | presentation-layer |
PLC | place |
PLL | poll, polling |
PLT | plotter |
PMN | permission |
PMP | point-to-multipoint |
PMT | prompt |
PND | pending |
PNL | panel |
PNT | point |
POL | pool |
POLL | polled, polling |
POP | post office protocol (TCP/IP) |
PORT | port number |
POS | positive, position |
PPP | point-to-point protocol |
PP | preprocessor |
PPR | paper |
PPW | page printer writer |
PRB | problem |
PRC | procedure, procedural, process, processed |
PRD | product, productive |
PREBLT | prebuilt |
PRED | predecessor |
PREEST | pre-established |
PREF | preference, preferred |
PREOPR | pre-operation |
PREREQ | prerequisite |
PRF | profile, profiling |
PRI | primary |
PRJ | project |
PRL | parallel |
PRM | promote, parameters |
PRMD | private management domain |
PRN | parent |
PRO | proposed |
PROC (or PRC) | procedure, processing |
PROD | production |
PROP | property/properties |
PRP | prepare, propagate, propagation |
PRS | personal |
PRT | print, printer |
PRTQ | print queue |
PRV | previous |
PRX | proxy |
PSAP | presentation-layer service access point |
PSF | print services facility |
PSN | presentation |
PSTOPR | post-operation |
PTC | protected, protection, portable transaction computer |
PTF | program temporary fix |
PTH | path |
PTL | partial |
PTN | partition, partitioning |
PTP | point-to-point |
PTR | pointer |
PTY | priority |
PUB | public |
PUNS | punches |
PVC | permanent virtual circuit |
PVD | provider |
PVT | private |
PVY | privacy |
PWD | password |
PWR | power |
Q (suffix) | queue |
QE (suffix) | queue entry |
QLTY | quality |
QOS | quality of service |
QRY | query |
QST | question |
QSTDB | question-and-answer database |
QSTLOD | question-and-answer load |
QUAL | qualifier |
RAR | route addition resistance |
RBD | rebuild |
RCD | record |
RCDS | records |
RCL | reclaim |
RCMS | remote change management server |
RCP | recipient |
RCR | recursion, recurs |
RCV | receive |
RCY | recovery |
RDB | relational database |
RDN | relative distinguished name |
RDR | reader |
RDRE | reader entry |
REACT | reactivation |
REASSM | reassembly |
REC | record |
RECNN | reconnect |
RECOMMEND | recommendations |
REF | reference |
REINZ | reinitialize |
REL | relations, release |
REP | representation, representative |
REQ (or RQS) | required, request, requester |
RES | resident, resolution |
RESYNC | resynchronize |
RET | retention |
REX | REXX language |
RFS | refuse, refused |
RGS | registration |
RGT | right |
RGZ | reorganize |
RINZ | reinitialize |
RIP | routing information protocol |
RJE | remote job entry |
RJT | reject |
RLS | release |
RMD | remind, reminder |
RMT | remote |
RMV | remove |
RNG | range |
RNM | rename |
RPG | RPG language |
RPL | replace, replacement |
RPT | report |
RPY | reply |
RQD | required |
RQS (or REQ) | request, requester |
RQT | requisite |
RRSP | remote response |
RRT | reroute |
RSB | reassembly |
RSC | resource, resources |
RSL | result, resolution |
RSM | resume |
RSP | response |
RSRC | resource |
RST | restore |
RSTD | restricted |
RTE | route |
RTG | routing |
RTL | retail |
RTM | retransmit |
RTN | return, returned, retransmission |
RTR | router |
RTT | rotate |
RTV | retrieve |
RTY | retry |
RU | request unit |
RVK | revoke |
RVS | reverse |
RWS | remote workstation |
SAA | systems application architecture |
SADL | saddle |
SAP | service access point |
SAT | Saturday |
SAV | save |
SAVF | save file |
SBM | submit, submitted |
SBS | subsystem |
SCD | schedule, scheduled |
SCH | search |
SCN | screen |
SCT | sector |
SDLC | synchronous data link control |
SDU | service data unit |
SEC | second, secure, security |
SEG | segment |
SEGMENT | segmentation |
SEL (or SLT) | select, selection |
SENSITIV | sensitivity |
SEP | separator |
SEQ | sequence, sequential |
SEV | severity |
SFW | software |
SGN | sign-on |
SHD | shadow, shadowing |
SHF | shift |
SHM | short hold mode |
SHR | shared |
SHUTD | shutdown |
SI | shift-in |
SIG | signature, signed |
SIGN | sign-on |
SIZ | size |
SL | session-layer |
SLR | selector |
SLT (or SEL) | select, selection |
SMAE | systems management application entity |
SMG | systems manager |
SMTP | simple mail transfer protocol |
SMY | summary |
SNA | systems network architecture |
SNBU | switched network back-up |
SND | send |
SNG | single |
SNI | SNA over IPX |
SNP | snap |
SNPT | SNA pass-through |
SNUF | SNA upline facility |
SO | shift-out |
SOC | sphere of control |
SP | service processor |
SPA | spelling aid |
SPC | space, special |
SPD | supplied |
SPF | specific |
SPID | service provider identifier |
SPL | spooled, spooling |
SPR | superseded |
SPT | support, supported |
SPTN | support network |
SPX | sequenced packet exchange |
SQL | structured query language |
SRC | source |
SRCH (or SCH) | search |
SRM | system resource management |
SRQ | system request |
SRT | sort |
SRV | service |
SSAP | source service access point, session-layer service access point |
SSCP | system services control point |
SSL | secure sockets layer |
SSN | session |
SSND | session description |
SSP | suspend |
SST | system service tools |
STAT | statistical data records |
STATION | convenience station |
STC | statistics |
STD | standard |
STG | storage |
STK | stack |
STM | stream |
STMF | stream file |
STMT | statement |
STN | station |
STP | step |
STPL | staple |
STR | start, starting |
STS | status |
STT | state, static |
STX | start-of-text character |
SUB | substitution, subject |
SUBADR | subaddress |
SUBALC | suballocation |
SUBDIR | subdirectory |
SUBFLR | subfolder |
SUBNET (or SUBN) | subnetwork |
SUBPGM | subprogram |
SUBR | subroutine |
SUBST | substitution |
SUCC | successor |
SUN | Sunday |
SUP | suppress, suppression |
SURNAM | surname |
SVC | switched virtual circuit |
SVR | server |
SWL | stop word list |
SWS | switches |
SWT | switch, switched |
SWTSET | switch setting |
SYM | symbol, symbolic |
SYN | syntax |
SYNC | synchronous, synchronization |
SYS | system |
SYSLIBL | system library list |
S36 | System/36 |
TAP | tape |
TAPDEV | tape devices |
TBL | table |
TCID | transport connection identifier |
TCP | TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/internet protocol) |
TCS | telephony connection services |
TDC | telephony data collector |
TDLC | twinaxial data link control |
TEID | terminal endpoint identifier |
TEL | telephone |
TERM | terminal |
TFR | transfer |
TGT | target |
THD | thread |
THLD | threshold |
THR | through, throughput |
THRESH (or THLD) | threshold |
THRPUT | throughput |
THS | thesaurus |
THU | Thursday |
TIE | technical information exchange |
TIM | time |
TIMMRK | timemark |
TIMO | timeout |
TIMOUT (or TIMO) | timeout |
TIMZON | time zone |
TKN | token |
TKV | takeover |
TL | transport-layer |
TM | time |
TMN | transmission |
TMP | temporary |
TMPL (or TPL) | template |
TMR | timer |
TMS | transmission |
TMT | transmit |
TNS | transaction |
TOKN (or TKN) | token |
TOT | total |
TPDU | transport-layer protocol data unit |
TPL | template, topology |
TPT | transport |
TRANS | transit, transaction |
TRC | trace |
TRG | trigger |
TRM | term |
TRN | token-ring network, translate |
TRNSPY | transparency |
TRP | trap |
TRS | transit |
TRUNC | truncate |
TSE | timeslice end |
TSP | timestamp |
TSAP | transport-layer service access point |
TSK | task |
TST | test |
TUE | Tuesday |
TWR | tower |
TXP | transport |
TXT | text |
TYP | type |
T1 | transport class 1 |
T2 | transport class 2 |
T4 | transport class 4 |
UDFS | user-defined file system |
UDP | user datagram protocol |
UI | user interface, unnumbered information |
UID | user identifier number |
UNC | unclassified |
UNL | unlink |
UNPRT | unprintable |
UNQ | unique |
UOM | unit of measure |
UPCE | universal product code type E barcode |
UPD | update |
UPG | upgrade |
URL | uniform resource locator |
USG | usage |
USR | user |
VAL | value |
VAR | variable |
VCT | virtual circuit |
VDSK | virtual disk |
VER (or VSN) | version |
VFY | verify |
VFYPWD | verify password |
VLD | valid, validity, validation |
VND | vendor |
VOL | volume |
VRF | verification |
VRT | virtual |
VRY | vary |
VSN (or VER) | version |
VWS | virtual workstation |
WAN | wide area network |
WCH | watch |
WDW | window |
WED | Wednesday |
WIN | winner |
WK | week |
WNT | Windows NT |
WP | word processing |
WRD | word |
WRK | work, working |
WRT | write |
WS | workstation |
WSC | workstation controller |
WSCST | workstation customization object |
WSE | workstation entry |
WSG | workstation gateway (TCP/IP) |
WSO | workstation object |
WTR | writer |
WTRE | writer entry |
WTRS | writers |
X25 | X.25 |
X31 | X.31 |
X400 | X.400 |
3270 | 3270 display |