Monitoring cluster status

The Cluster Resource Services graphical interface monitors cluster status and displays a warning message when nodes participating in the high availability solution become inconsistent.

The Cluster Resource Services graphical interface displays warning message HAI0001W on the Nodes page if the cluster is inconsistent. An inconsistent message means that information that is retrieved from this node might not be consistent with other active nodes in the cluster. Nodes become inconsistent when they become inactive within the cluster.

To obtain consistent information, you can either access the cluster information from an active node in the cluster, or start this node and retry the request.

To monitor cluster status, complete these steps:

  1. In a Web browser, enter http://mysystem:2001, where mysystem is the host name of the system.
  2. Log on to the system with your user profile and password.
  3. Select Cluster Resource Services from the IBM Systems Director Navigator for i window.
  4. On the Node page, HAI0001W is shown if the node is inconsistent: The local cluster node is not active. Cluster information may not be accurate until the local node has been started.