Logging Properties File

The logging properties file, tm1s-log.properties, enables you to control which message levels are logged for the different subcomponents of TM1® .

The tm1s-log.properties file is a text file that contains the parameters for configuring logging for a specific TM1 server.

Each TM1 server uses its own logging properties file and checks for the file whenever the server is started. After startup, the server checks for updates to the properties file and adjusts the logging as needed. You can make changes to a properties file in real-time and the TM1 server will dynamically read the changes and adjust the logging.

Note: The TM1 local server only checks the logging properties file, tm1s-log.properties, when the local server starts up. For details, see Enabling and Disabling Transaction Logging.

A sample logging properties file is provided in the directory of each sample TM1 database that you install. Sample TM1 databases are installed in the following locations:

Here is an example of the logging properties file:

Log4j.rootLogger=INFO, S1
# S1 is set to be a SharedMemoryAppender log4j.appender.S1=org.apache.log4j.
#Specify the size of the shared memory segment log4j.appender.S1.MemorySize=5
#Specify the max filesize log4j.appender.S1.MaxFileSize=10
Specify the max backup index log4j.appender.S1.MaxBackupIndex=3