What's new in V1.1.10 (March 2023)

This information contains an overview of the major changes in IBM® Service Management Unite Enterprise Edition V1.1.10.

New integration with z/OS Workload Interaction Navigator and Z Operational Log and Data Analytics
Starting in V1.1.10, IBM Service Management Unite is integrated with z/OS Workload Interaction Navigator and Z Operational Log and Data Analytics. You can launch the dashboards of these two products directly from Service Management Unite performance dashboards to view more detail. For Z Operational Log and Data Analytics, you can launch two types of dashboards: the Z Data Analytics platform dashboard that is included in Z Operational Log and Data Analytics or the Splunk platform where Z Operational Log and Data Analytics is deployed. For more information, see IBM Service Management Unite integration with z/OS Workload Interaction Navigator and IBM Service Management Unite integration with Z Operational Log and Data Analytics.
SMU integration configuration dashboard
Miscellaneous enhancements and fixes
  • Upgraded the base OS to UBI 8.7
  • Added the Launch to IZSME button on Performance Management details dashboards.

  • Workload Scheduler authentication is changed from Generic user configured in SMU to Workload Scheduler Overview authentication by individual user.
  • You can now disable the Manage Schedules function based on your needs. To disable the Manage Schedule function, you must enter the SMU container, set the enable-manage-schedule=false in cfg/eez.enable.properties. The change takes effect immediately and you do not need to restart SMU container. See How to: Manage automation schedules for more information.
  • Fixed an issue where SMU issues START/STOP/MONITOR scripts twice of UAA.