DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Default IBM database client interface copy

You can have multiple DB2® copies on a single computer, as well as a default IBM® database client interface copy, which is the means by which a client application has the ODBC driver, CLI driver, and .NET data provider code needed to interface with the database by default.

In Version 9.1 (and later), the code for the IBM database client interface copy is included with the DB2 copy. With Version 9.5 (and later) there is a new product you can choose to install that has the needed code to allow a client application to interface with a database. This product is IBM Data Server Driver Package (DSDRIVER). With Version 9.5 (and later) you can install DSDRIVER on an IBM data server driver copy separate from the installation of a DB2 copy.

Following Version 9.1, you can have multiple DB2 copies installed on your computer; following Version 9.5, you can have multiple IBM database client interface copies and multiple DB2 copies installed on your computer. During the time of installation of a new DB2 copy or new IBM data server driver copy you would have had the opportunity to change the default DB2 copy and the default IBM database client interface copy.

The following diagram shows multiple DB2 copies installed on a DB2 server, which can be any combination of the DB2 database products:

Multiple DB2 copies installed on a DB2 server

Version 8 and Version 9 (or later) copies can coexist on the same computer, however Version 8 must be the default DB2 and IBM database client interface copy. You cannot change from the Version 8 copy to the Version 9 (or later) copy as the default DB2 copy or default IBM database client interface copy during installation, nor can you later run the switch default copy command, db2swtch, unless you first upgrade to Version 9 (or later) or uninstall Version 8 copy. If you run the db2swtch command when Version 8 exists on the system, you will receive an error message indicating that you cannot change the default copy because Version 8 is found on the system.

Sometime after installing multiple DB2 copies or multiple IBM data server driver copies, you might want to change either the default DB2 copy or the default IBM database client interface copy. If you have Version 8 installed, you must uninstall the product or upgrade it to Version 9 (or later) before you can change the default DB2 copy, or change the default IBM database client interface copy.

Client applications can always choose to go directly to a data server driver location which is the directory where the DSDRIVER is installed.

When you uninstall either the DB2 copy or the IBM data server driver copy that had been the default IBM database client interface copy, the defaults are managed for you. Chosen default copies are removed and new defaults are selected for you. When you uninstall the default DB2 copy which is not the last DB2 copy on the system, you will be asked to switch the default to another DB2 copy first.

Choosing a default when installing a new IBM database client interface copy

Following Version 9.5, consider the scenario where you have installed two DB2 copies (DB2COPY1 and DB2COPY2). DB2COPY2 is the default DB2 copy and the default IBM database client interface copy.

The decision not to make the newly installed IBM database client interface copy the default.

Install IBM Data Server Driver Package (DSDRIVER) on a new IBM data server driver copy.

During the install of the new IBM data server driver copy (IBMDBCL1) you are asked if you want to make the new IBM data server driver copy the default IBM database client interface copy.

If you respond "No", then DB2COPY2 remains the default IBM database client interface copy. (And it continues to be the default DB2 copy.)

However, consider the same scenario but you respond "Yes" when asked if you want to make the new IBM data server driver copy the default IBM database client interface copy.

The decision to make the newly installed IBM database client interface copy the default.

In this case, IBMDBCL1 becomes the default IBM database client interface copy. (DB2COPY2 remains the default DB2 copy.)