Delete Column

Verb: deleteColumn

Available from: <Standard>

Deletes a column from a data table, according to the column index or its name.


deleteColumn --column(String) [--getbyindex(Boolean)] --dataTable(DataTable)


Script Designer Required AcceptedTypes Description
--column Column Required Text Name or index of the column to exclude from the data table.
--getbyindex Use Index Optional Boolean When enabled, allows the column to be deleted in the data table from its index.
--dataTable Table Required Data Table Data table from which the column is deleted.


Example 1: The command deletes the column named "City".

defVar --name excelFile --type Excel
defVar --name excelTable --type DataTable
// Download the following file to execute the command
excelOpen --file "tableExcelCompanyCity.xlsx" excelFile=value
excelGetTable --file ${excelFile} --getfirstsheet  --entiretable  --hasheaders  excelTable=value
logMessage --message "Data table before excluding the \"City\" column:\r\n${excelTable}" --type "Info"
deleteColumn --column City --dataTable ${excelTable}
logMessage --message "Data table after excluding the \"City\" column:\r\n${excelTable}" --type "Info"
excelClose --file ${excelFile}
// The above example returns the following output:
// Table before deleting "City" column:
// Company City
// IBM Corporation, Toronto
// Microsoft Corporation, São Paulo
// IBM Corporation, Armonk
// Table after deleting "City" column:
// Company
// IBM Corporation
// Microsoft Corporation
// IBM Corporation

Example 2: The command deletes index column 1 from a data table.

defVar --name excelFile --type Excel
defVar --name excelTable --type DataTable
// Download the following file to execute the command
excelOpen --file "tableExcelCompanyCity.xlsx" excelFile=value
excelGetTable --file ${excelFile} --getfirstsheet  --entiretable  --hasheaders  excelTable=value
logMessage --message "Data table before deleting index column \"1\":\r\n${excelTable}" --type "Info"
deleteColumn --column 1 --getbyindex  --dataTable ${excelTable}
logMessage --message "Data table after deleting index column \"1\":\r\n${excelTable}" --type "Info"
excelClose --file ${excelFile}
// The above example returns the following output:
// Data table before deleting index column "1":
// Company City
// IBM Corporation, Toronto
// Microsoft Corporation, São Paulo
// IBM Corporation, Armonk
// Data table after deleting index column "1":
// City
// Toronto
// São Paulo
// Armonk

Download File

For the correct operation of the scripts above, it is necessary to download the files and enter their path in the File parameter of the Open Excel File command.


When enabling the Use Index parameter, the value used in the Column parameter must be a numeric value.

It is noteworthy that the position of the columns starts at 1.

See Also

  • Add Column
  • Add Row
  • Check for Column Existence in Table
  • Copy Rows
  • Copy Table
  • Delete Rows
  • Filter Table
  • Find Column by Name
  • Find Table Cell Occurrences
  • Get Cell Contents
  • Get Column Name
  • Get Column Structure
  • Get HTML Tables
  • JSON to Table
  • Map Table Row
  • Move Table Rows
  • Sort Table
  • Update Row
  • Write Table to File