IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio

IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio Overview

The IBM® Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio are a collection of features that integrate seamlessly into your Visual Studio development environment. You can work with IBM data servers and develop IBM database procedures, functions, and objects by performing the following activities:

Database Tools

With the commands on the IBM Database Tools submenu, which is on the Tools menu, you can open the database development and administration tools that are installed on the system, including the following tools:

IBM Database Project type

The IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio introduce a new IBM Projects folder that includes an IBM Database Project type for developing IBM data server scripts.

With an IBM database project, you can add these new or existing scripts:

With an IBM database project, you can also perform the following actions:

Server Explorer

The IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio extend the Server Explorer in the Visual Studio environment. The add-ins provide Visual Studio users with access to IBM data connections.

In the Server Explorer, you can:

For a DB2 database DB2 SQL Editor

The IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio also include a DB2 SQL editor. With the editor you can change and view the code in your DB2 procedures, functions, objects, and scripts.

The DB2 SQL editor includes the following features:

For an IDS database IDS SPL Editor

The IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio also include an IDS (Informix® Dynamic Server) SPL editor. With the editor you can change and view the code in your IDS procedures, functions, objects, and scripts.

The IDS SPL editor includes the following features:

See Also

Getting Started | Supported IBM Data Servers and System Requirements | Customizing the IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio | Support for DB2 User-Defined Data Types and Spatial Data Types

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