SETOMVS command

Use the SETOMVS command to change dynamically the options that z/OS UNIX System Services is using. These options are originally set in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member during initial program load (IPL). For more information about the BPXPRMxx parmlib member, see BPXPRMxx (z/OS UNIX System Services parameters) in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.

Changes to all of the system-wide limits take effect immediately. When a process limit is updated, all processes that are using the system-wide process limit have their limits updated. All process limit changes take effect immediately except those processes with a user-defined process limit (defined in the OMVS segment or set with a SETOMVS PID= command). Exceptions are MAXASSIZE and MAXCPUTIME, which are not changed for active processes.
Note: If a process-level limit is lowered with the SETOMVS command, some processes may immediately hit 100% usage. Depending on the process limit specified and what the process is doing, this could cause some processes to fail.