Configuring a thread pool in WebSphere Application Server

Configure a thread pool in WebSphere Application Server if you have multiple data stores and multiple tpipes for synchronous callout request processing.

About this task

A thread pool enables components of the server to reuse threads, which eliminates the need to create new threads at run time. The IMS TM resource adapter thread pool could quickly exhaust and the callout processing would stall when multiple data stores and tpipes are involved.

If you have multiple data stores and multiple tpipes, configure the WebSphere Application Server to add your own thread pool. The IMS TM resource adapter thread pool could quickly exhaust and the callout processing would stall when multiple data stores and tpipes are involved. A possible thread pool size to start with is numberOfDatastore * numberOfQueues + numberOfActiveWorkload (for example, 20 for 20 message-driven bean requests per second). However, the actual number requires testing based on your environment and usage.


  1. Go to the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console.
  2. Select Application servers > server_name > Additional Properties > Thread Pools.
  3. Set the maximum size for the thread pool.
    A possible thread pool size to start with is number_of_data_store * number_of_queues * number_of_active_workload, where the number_of_active_workload is the number of request per second that you would like to be processed.

    The actual number requires testing based on your environment and usage.

  4. Reference the thread pool in the IMS TM resource adapter configuration.
    For example, if you add a thread pool called IMSTMRA as shown in the following example:
    Figure 1. Thread pool configuration in WebSphere Application Server
    This figure shows the thread pool configuration screen in WebSphere Application Server.
    You can add the thread pool to the Thread pool alias field for IMS TM resource adapter.
    Figure 2. Resource adapter configuration in WebSphere Application Server
    This figure shows the resource adapter configuration screen in WebSphere Application Server.