Life Tables

Figure 1. Life table for Basic service customers
Life table for Basic service customers

The life table is a descriptive table summarizing the time to churn. The table is sectioned by each level of Customer category. As a result, the table is very large, so only the section corresponding to Basic service customers is shown here.

  • Interval Start Time. The time period that marks the beginning of the interval. An interval extends from the start time up to, but not including, the start time of the next interval.In this analysis, you requested 3 month intervals.
  • Number Entering Interval. The number of surviving cases at the beginning of the interval.This value decreases steadily with each interval as customers who terminated service or who have not been customers for very long are dropped from further analysis.
  • Number Withdrawing during Interval. The number of censored cases in this interval.These are still active customers, but so far they have not been customers longer than the time period indicated by this interval.
  • Number Exposed to Risk. The number of surviving cases minus one half the censored cases. This is intended to account for the effect of the censored cases.
  • Number of Terminal Events. The number of cases that experience the terminal event in this interval.These are customers that cancelled their service.
  • Proportion Terminating. The ratio of terminal events to the number exposed to risk.
  • Proportion Surviving. One minus the proportion terminating.
  • Cumulative Proportion Surviving at End of Interval. The proportion of cases surviving from the start of the table to the end of the interval.
  • Probability Density. An estimate of the probability of experiencing the terminal event during the interval.
  • Hazard Rate. An estimate of the risk of experiencing the terminal event during the interval, conditional upon surviving to the start of the interval.

The greatest number and proportion of terminal events occur within the first year, which suggests that customers should be monitored more closely during their first year to be sure of their satisfaction with the company's service.
