Create an alert when response time exceeds specific thresholds

Response times are critical to a business. The Application Monitoring feature of OMEGAMON® is useful when you know the name of the JOB, STC, or TSO user whose data sets need to be monitored. There are other cases, however, when it is a group of data sets you need to monitor, no matter how or where they are accessed.

In this case, you can perform the following steps:

Create a situation as follows:

  1. Right-click the Dataset Group Summary node in the navigation pane.
  2. Click Situations in the pop-up menu. The Situations for - Dataset Group Summary dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the Create new Situation icon (New situation) to access the Create Situation dialog box.
  4. Enter the name and description of your new situation.
  5. Click OK to access the Select condition dialog box.
  6. Select S3_Dataset_Group_Details in the Attributes Group column.
  7. While pressing the Ctrl key, select both Dataset Group Name and Maximum MSR in the Attribute Item column.
  8. Click OK to return to the Situations for - Dataset Group Summary dialog box.
  9. In the Formula tab, enter appropriate values in the fields. For example, enter an operator of Equal (==) and a value of "Production" for the Dataset Group Name, and an operator of Greater than (>) and a value of 20 for the Maximum MSR, see Figure 1.
  10. Select the Distribution tab.
  11. Add the appropriate managed systems to the Assigned systems list for this situation.
  12. Click Apply and OK to complete the definition your new situation and close the dialog box.

    Whenever a response time exceeds specific thresholds, this situation is triggered and an alert is sent.

Figure 1. Creation of an alert in the Dataset Group Summary workspace
Creation of an alert in the Dataset Group Summary workspace