Overview of common action commands

The Storage Toolkit provides actions that start commands on target resources in the z/OS® system. Table 1 shows typical goals for some of the action commands in the Storage Toolkit.

Table 1. Common commands that are enabled by the Storage Toolkit
Command type Goal
HSM Volume Services

Migrate data sets on volume not referenced for a certain number of days

Perform HSM incremental backup of eligible data sets on volume

HSM Dataset Services

Migrate data set to level 1

Migrate data set to level 2

Backup data set

Recover data set from backup version

Recall a migrated data set

DFDSS Volume Services

Release unused space in data sets on volume

TEST volume convert to SMS format

Prepare volume for conversion to SMS format

Convert volume to SMS format

DFDSS Dataset Services

Copy/move data set

Release unused space within data set

Cancel HSM Request Service Cancel active or queued DFSMShsm ("HSM") requests