Monitoring SMS storage groups performance

This topic describes the workspaces that monitor the status of SMS storage groups performance. You access these workspaces through the SMS Storage Groups Performance node in the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal.

See Workspaces for general information on predefined workspaces and a list of all nodes that are included in the OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS product. Each node corresponds to a specific area of storage resource monitoring. And each node includes links to a unique set of storage resource workspaces. See Accessing workspaces to learn about navigating among workspaces. And see Integration with other products to learn about linking to the workspaces of other IBM Tivoli Monitoring products.

In addition, with OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS Version 4.2.0 Interim Feature 3 or later, you can issue volume-level Storage Toolkit commands from the SMS Storage Group report level. To access these commands, open the SMS Storage Groups Performance workspace from the Navigator, right-click a row on the table view, and select the Volume Actions... menu item, then select the action you want to perform.

SMS Storage Groups Performance workspace

This topic describes the main components of the principal workspace for this node.

The direct situation analysis feature is available for this workspace. The feature can help you analyze and understand a problem that is displayed in this workspace. See Directly monitoring situations.

This workspace provides the following views. For a description of the attributes used as column headings in the workspace table view, review the attribute group definitions for this workspace in the online help. The help resource includes attribute descriptions that are displayed when you hover with the mouse pointer over a column heading.
SMS storage groups performance table view
The table view contains one row of data for each SMS storage group defined in the reporting LPAR. The view contains the following information:
  • The name of the group
  • The type
  • The SMS status
  • The number of volumes in the group
  • The current highest response time for any volume in the group
  • The current high busy percent for any volume in the group
  • The device multi-processing level
  • The low read and write hit percents among all volumes in the group
  • The highest DFW retry percentage in the group
High volume response time > 25 bar graph
This graph contains one bar for each SMS storage group with a highest volume response time that exceeds 25 milliseconds. The height of the bar indicates the actual response time for that volume.
Workspaces that are linked to this workspace
See Navigating the workspaces of the SMS Storage Groups Performance node.

Learn how to navigate to workspaces here: Accessing workspaces. Also see Integration with other products.

See Workspaces for a list of all nodes provided in OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS.

Summary information for the workspaces in this node

This section lists the views and related attribute groups for the workspaces of the SMS Storage Groups Performance node.

See Workspaces for general information on predefined workspaces and a list of all nodes that are included in the OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS product. Each node corresponds to a specific area of storage resource monitoring. And each node includes links to a unique set of storage resource workspaces. See Accessing workspaces to learn about navigating among workspaces. And see Integration with other products to learn about linking to the workspaces of other IBM Tivoli Monitoring products.

See SMS Storage Groups Performance workspace for more information on the primary workspace for this node.

Table 2. SMS Storage Groups Performance workspace
View View type Attribute group
High Volume Response Time > 25 BAR Volume Group Summary
SMS Storage Group Performance Report TABLE Volume Group Summary
Table 3. SMS Storage Group Volume Performance workspace
View View type Attribute group
Volume Response Time > 25 BAR DASD Volume Performance
Volume Performance Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Table 4. Dataset Performance Summary workspace
View View type Attribute group
Dataset Performance Summary Report TABLE Dataset Performance
Datasets with MSR > Storage Class Objective TABLE Dataset Performance
Table 5. Dataset Performance Detail workspace
View View type Attribute group
Dataset Performance Detail Report TABLE Dataset Performance
Component Percent of Dataset MSR for All Jobs PIE Dataset Performance
Table 6. SMS Storage Group Volume Cache workspace
View View type Attribute group
Read Hit Percent < 55 BAR Cache Devices
Write Hit Percent < 30 BAR Cache Devices
Volume Cache Report TABLE Cache Devices
Table 7. Volume Performance Trend workspace
View View type Attribute group
Volume Performance Trend Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Response Time Analysis PLOT DASD Volume Performance
Table 8. Physical Volume Group Performance workspace
View View type Attribute group
Volume Response Time > 25 BAR DASD Physical Group
Physical Volume Group Performance Report TABLE DASD Physical Group
Table 9. Physical Volume Group Cache workspace
View View type Attribute group
Read Hit Percent < 55 BAR DASD Physical Group
Write Hit Percent < 30 BAR DASD Physical Group
Physical Volume Group Cache Report TABLE DASD Physical Group
Table 10. Dataset Details workspace
View View type Attribute group
Dataset Space Attributes TABLE Dataset Space
Dataset Users TABLE Dataset Users
Dataset SMS Constructs TABLE Dataset SMS
Dataset Performance Summary TABLE Dataset Performance
Table 11. Device Performance Details workspace
View View type Attribute group
Volume Cache Performance Details Report TABLE Cache Devices
Volume Status TABLE Volume Status
Volume Details TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Volume Performance Details Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Volume Users TABLE Volume Users
Table 12. Device Performance Details workspace
View View type Attribute group
Volume Cache Performance Details Report TABLE Cache Devices
Volume Status TABLE Volume Status
Volume Details TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Volume Performance Details Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Volume Users TABLE Volume Users
Table 13. Cross System Group Summary workspace
View View type Attribute group
Device Contention Index BAR Cross System Vol Summary
Cross System Performance Report TABLE Cross System Vol Summary
Table 14. Cross System Volume Performance workspace
View View type Attribute group
Response Time BAR Cross System Volumes
Percent Busy BAR Cross System Volumes
Cross System Volume Performance Report TABLE Cross System Volumes
Table 15. SMS Storage Group Performance Trend workspace
View View type Attribute group
High Volume Response BAR Volume Group Summary
SMS Storage Group Performance Trend Report TABLE Volume Group Summary
Table 16. Group Volume Historical Performance workspace
View View type Attribute group
Volume Performance Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Volumes with Response Time > 25 BAR DASD Volume Performance
Table 17. Dataset Performance Summary Trend workspace
View View type Attribute group
Dataset Performance Summary Trend TABLE Dataset Performance
Response Time Analysis PLOT Dataset Performance
Table 18. Dataset Historic Performance Summary workspace
View View type Attribute group
Dataset Performance Summary History Report TABLE Dataset Performance
Datasets with MSR > Storage Class Objective History TABLE Dataset Performance
Table 19. Dataset Performance Historical Detail workspace
View View type Attribute group
Dataset Performance Detail Report TABLE Dataset Performance
Component Percent of Dataset MSR for All Jobs PIE Dataset Performance
Table 20. Dataset Performance Detail Trend workspace
View View type Attribute group
Dataset Performance Application Trend TABLE Dataset Performance
Response Time Analysis PLOT Dataset Performance
Table 21. Dataset Performance Event workspace
View View type Attribute group
Dataset Performance Summary Report TABLE Dataset Performance
Dataset Response Time BAR Dataset Performance
Table 22. Highest Volume Response Time workspace
View View type Attribute group
Highest Volume Response Time Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Volume Response Time BAR DASD Volume Performance
Table 23. Highest Volume MPL workspace
View View type Attribute group
Highest Volume MPL Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Volume MPL BAR DASD Volume Performance
Volume Response Time BAR DASD Volume Performance
Table 24. Highest Volume I/O Rate workspace
View View type Attribute group
Highest Volume I/O Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Provide summary performance information for the datasets on a specified volume. BAR DASD Volume Performance
Volume Response Time BAR DASD Volume Performance
Table 25. Highest Volume Busy Percent workspace
View View type Attribute group
Highest Volume Busy Percent Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Volume Busy Percent BAR DASD Volume Performance
Volume Response Time BAR DASD Volume Performance
Table 26. Lowest Volume Connect Percent workspace
View View type Attribute group
Lowest Volume Connect Time Percent Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Volume Connect Time Percent BAR DASD Volume Performance
Volume Response Time BAR DASD Volume Performance
Table 27. Highest Volume Group Response Time workspace
View View type Attribute group
Highest Volume Performance Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Volume Response Time BAR DASD Volume Performance
Table 28. Highest Volume Group I/O Rate workspace
View View type Attribute group
Highest Volume I/O Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Volume I/O Rate BAR DASD Volume Performance
Volume Response Time BAR DASD Volume Performance
Table 29. Highest Volume Group MPL workspace
View View type Attribute group
Highest Volume MPL Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Volume MPL BAR DASD Volume Performance
Volume Response Time BAR DASD Volume Performance
Table 30. Highest Volume Group Busy Percent workspace
View View type Attribute group
Highest Volume Busy Percent Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Volume Busy Percent BAR DASD Volume Performance
Volume Response Time BAR DASD Volume Performance
Table 31. Lowest Volume Group Connect Percent workspace
View View type Attribute group
Volume Connect Time Percent BAR DASD Volume Performance
Lowest Volume Connect Time Percent Report TABLE DASD Volume Performance
Volume Response Time BAR DASD Volume Performance