Monitoring DFSMShsm status

This topic describes the workspaces that monitor the status of DFSMShsm activity. You access these workspaces through the DFSMShsm Status node in the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal.

See Workspaces for general information on predefined workspaces and a list of all nodes that are included in the OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS product. Each node corresponds to a specific area of storage resource monitoring. And each node includes links to a unique set of storage resource workspaces. See Accessing workspaces to learn about navigating among workspaces. And see Integration with other products to learn about linking to the workspaces of other IBM Tivoli Monitoring products.

DFSMShsm Status workspace

This topic describes the main components of the principal workspace for this node.

When you click the DFSMShsm Status node in the Navigator of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, you see the DFSMShsm Status workspace. This workspace monitors DFSMShsm activity for the entire HSM subsystem, including utilization of volumes and CDS space. The main components of the workspace are as follows:

The direct situation analysis feature is available for this workspace. The feature can help you analyze and understand a problem that is displayed in this workspace. See Directly monitoring situations.

This workspace provides the following views. For a description of the attributes used as column headings in the workspace table view, review the attribute group definitions for this workspace in the online help. The help resource includes attribute descriptions that are displayed when you hover with the mouse pointer over a column heading.
DFSMShsm Status workspace
View View type
DFSMShsm Functions Summary TABLE
DFSMShsm Control Data Set Report TABLE
DFSMShsm Waiting Requests BAR
DFSMShsm Function Status TABLE
DFSMShsm Status Report TABLE
DFSMShsm Function Status Report
The tabular report in the top center portion of this workspace contains one row for each DFSMShsm function. Each row displays:
  • The status of that function for the reporting LPAR
  • The number of data set requests and volume requests for that function and how many are active and how many waiting
  • The name of the HSMplex and the base name of the CRQplex that the HSM Host is a member of, or n/a, if the host is not a member of a CRQplex
DFSMShsm Control Dataset Report
The tabular report covering the entire width of the workspace in the vertical center contains one row for each of the DFSMShsm control data sets. Each row displays:
  • The DD name of the data set
  • The number of extents for the data and index components
  • The percent of Available Space for the data and index components of the data set
  • The percent of Free Space for the data and index components of the data set
  • The total size of the data and the index components of the data set
DFSMShsm Status Report
The tabular report covering the entire width of the workspace at the bottom of the screen contains a single row of data describing DFSMShsm status in the reporting LPAR. This row indicates:
  • Whether DFSMShsm is active
  • The address space ID
  • The version of DFHSM
  • DFSMShsm start time
  • The interval start time
  • The number of DFSMShsm requests during this collection interval
  • The CPU usage during this interval
  • The number of requests that abended during this interval
  • The number of volume migrations, backups and the number of migration and backup volumes recycled during this interval
  • The name of the HSMplex and an indication of whether at least one HSM host on the z/OS image is in a CRQplex
Waiting requests bar graph
This graph contains one bar for each DFSMShsm function which has at least one waiting request. The height of the bar indicates the total number of waiting requests for this function.
Workspaces that are linked to this workspace
See Navigating the workspaces of the DFSMShsm Status node.

Learn how to navigate among workspaces here: Accessing workspaces. Also see Integration with other products.

See Workspaces for a list of all nodes provided in OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS.

Summary information for the workspaces in this node

This section lists the views and related attribute groups for the workspaces of the DFSMShsm Status node.

See Workspaces for general information on predefined workspaces and a list of all nodes that are included in the OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS product. Each node corresponds to a specific area of storage resource monitoring. And each node includes links to a unique set of storage resource workspaces. See Accessing workspaces to learn about navigating among workspaces. And see Integration with other products to learn about linking to the workspaces of other IBM Tivoli Monitoring products.

See DFSMShsm Status workspace for more information on the primary workspace for this node.

Table 2. DFSMShsm Status workspace
View View type Attribute group
DFSMShsm Functions Summary TABLE HSM Function Summary
DFSMShsm Control Data Set Report TABLE HSM CDS
DFSMShsm Waiting Requests BAR HSM Host Request Summary
DFSMShsm Function Status TABLE HSM Host Function Status
DFSMShsm Status Report TABLE HSM Status
Table 3. DFSMShsm Request Details workspace
View View type Attribute group
DFSMShsm Function Statistics TABLE HSM Requests
DFSMShsm Requests TABLE HSM Function Statistics
Table 4. DFSMShsm Storage Usage workspace
View View type Attribute group
DFSMShsm Host Storage Utilization TABLE HSM Private Storage
DFSMShsm Host Frame Usage BAR HSM Private Storage
DFSMShsm Common Storage TABLE HSM Common Storage
DFSMShsm Common Storage Utilization BAR HSM Common Storage
Table 5. DFSMShsm Host Details workspace
View View type Attribute group
DFSMShsm Host Details Report TABLE HSM Host Status
DFSMShsm Requests BAR HSM Host Status
DFSMShsm Failed Requests BAR HSM Host Status
Table 6. DFSMShsm Function Details workspace
View View type Attribute group
DFSMShsm Host Function Details TABLE HSM Function Details
DFSMShsm Function Response Time BAR HSM Function Details
Table 7. HSMplex CRQplex Details workspace
View View type Attribute group
HSMplex CRQplex Host Details Report TABLE

HSM Cross System CRQ Hosts

HSMplex CRQplex Details Report TABLE

HSM Cross System CRQplex

CRQplex Usage BAR

HSM Cross System CRQplex

CRQplex Requests BAR

HSM Cross System CRQplex

Table 8. CRQplex Details workspace
View View type Attribute group
CRQplex Host Details Report TABLE

HSM Cross System CRQ Hosts

CRQplex Details Report TABLE

HSM Cross System CRQplex

CRQplex Usage BAR

HSM Cross System CRQplex

CRQplex Requests BAR

HSM Cross System CRQplex

Table 9. CRQplex Requests workspace
View View type Attribute group
CRQplex Details Report TABLE

HSM Cross System CRQplex

CRQplex Usage TABLE

HSM Cross System CRQplex

CRQplex Requests BAR

HSM Cross System CRQplex

CRQplex Requests Report BAR

HSM CRQ Requests