Monitoring cache CU status

This topic describes the workspaces that monitor the status of cache CU. You access these workspaces through the Cache CU Status node in the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal.

See Workspaces for general information on predefined workspaces and a list of all nodes that are included in the OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS product. Each node corresponds to a specific area of storage resource monitoring. And each node includes links to a unique set of storage resource workspaces. See Accessing workspaces to learn about navigating among workspaces. And see Integration with other products to learn about linking to the workspaces of other IBM Tivoli Monitoring products.

Cache CU Status workspace

This topic describes the main components of the principal workspace for this node.

The direct situation analysis feature is available for this workspace. The feature can help you analyze and understand a problem that is displayed in this workspace. See Directly monitoring situations.

This workspace provides the following views. For a description of the attributes used as column headings in the workspace table view, review the attribute group definitions for this workspace in the online help. The help resource includes attribute descriptions that are displayed when you hover with the mouse pointer over a column heading.
Cache status table view
The table view displays one row of data for each cache control unit configured to the reporting LPAR. The view contains the following information:
  • The subsystem ID of the control unit
  • The control unit type
  • The number of active volumes
  • The number of deactivated volumes
  • The cache status
  • The amount of cache configured in the control unit and the amount currently available
  • The nonvolatile storage status, the amount of NVS configured and the amount pinned
  • Storage facility series
Available cache bar graph
This graph contains a bar for each cache control unit. The height of the bar indicates the amount of cache (in megabytes) available in the unit.
NVS pinned bar graph

This graph contains a bar for each cache control unit. The height of the bar indicates the amount of NVS (nonvolatile storage, in kilobytes) pinned in the unit.

Deactivated volumes bar graph

This graph contains a bar for each cache control unit. The height of the bar indicates the number of deactivated volumes on that control unit.

Workspaces that are linked to this workspace
See Navigating the workspaces of the Cache CU Status node.

Learn how to navigate to workspaces here: Accessing workspaces. Also see Integration with other products.

See Workspaces for a list of all nodes provided in OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS.

Summary information for the workspaces in this node

This section lists the views and related attribute groups for the workspaces of the Cache CU Status node.

See Workspaces for general information on predefined workspaces and a list of all nodes that are included in the OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS product. Each node corresponds to a specific area of storage resource monitoring. And each node includes links to a unique set of storage resource workspaces. See Accessing workspaces to learn about navigating among workspaces. And see Integration with other products to learn about linking to the workspaces of other IBM Tivoli Monitoring products.

See Cache CU Status workspace for more information on the primary workspace for this node.

Table 2. Cache CU Status workspace
View View type Attribute group
Cache Control Unit Status Report TABLE Cache Control Unit
Available Cache BAR Cache Control Unit
NVS Pinned BAR Cache Control Unit
Deactivated Volumes BAR Cache Control Unit
Table 3. Cache CU Status Trend workspace
View View type Attribute group
Cache Control Unit Status Trend TABLE Cache Control Unit
NVS Pinned PLOT Cache Control Unit
Deactivated Volumes PLOT Cache Control Unit
Cache Available PLOT Cache Control Unit
Table 4. TotalStorage DS Configuration workspace
View View type Attribute group
Average Read Response Time BAR TotalStorageDS Extent Pool
Average Write Response Time BAR TotalStorageDS Extent Pool
TotalStorage Extent Pools TABLE TotalStorageDS Extent Pool
TotalStorage SSIDs TABLE TotalStorageDS SSIDs
TotalStorage Configuration TABLE TotalStorageDS Configuration
Table 5. Hitachi Data Systems 2107 Configuration workspace
View View type Attribute group
Average Read Response Time BAR TotalStorageDS Extent Pool
Average Write Response Time BAR TotalStorageDS Extent Pool
HDS 2107 Extent Pools TABLE TotalStorageDS Extent Pool
HDS 2107 SSIDs TABLE TotalStorageDS SSIDs
HDS 2107 Configuration TABLE TotalStorageDS Configuration