Situation Editor - Storage Toolkit Action Extension

The Situation Editor allows you to associate a Storage Toolkit request that you want to run when a situation becomes true.

The Storage Action radio button appears when OMEGAMON® for Storage on z/OS® is installed and a storage table is enabled for Storage Toolkit commands. The table is enabled if the OPTION: SITUATIONACTIONEXT tag exists for that particular table in the ODI file.

When you select the Storage Action radio button, the Storage Action area is displayed. The Storage Action area consists of three display fields:
Request Type
Identifies the type of request (if any) that was specified.
Request Title
Identifies the title of the request (if any) that was specified.
Request Location
Identifies the Storage agent on which the request (if any) will be executed.
and three action buttons:
Clears any existing Storage Toolkit requests associated with the selected situation.
Storage Toolkit
Begins a set of dialogs to create a Storage Toolkit request to associate with this situation. When you have finished creating the request, the Request Type, and Request Title, and Request Location fields are filled in with the relevant information.
Displays this help.