Associate Storage Toolkit Command

The Associate Storage Toolkit Command dialog allows you to create a Storage Toolkit request to associate with selected situation.

Request creation type
Specify the type of command you want to create:
Create New
Create a new command. The available commands are:
  • Create Command
  • Create Batch Job
  • Submit Command or Job
  • Volume Backup
  • Volume Convert
  • Volume Migrate
  • Volume Release Space
  • Volume Compress
  • Volume Defrag
Create From Existing
Create a command from an existing Storage Toolkit command.
New Request Information
Select a Storage Toolkit command from the list to associate with the selected situation.
Select a node where the command will be created.
Group Type
Specify which type of group you want to process against. There are different attributes associated with each type of group, whether SMS or User. This field is visible only when a Storage Toolkit command is being issued against the S3_Volume_Group_Summary attribute group.