VTSS Status

The VTSS Status attributes provide information on the storage in the Virtual Tape Subsystems.

Available Cache: The amount of cache available for customer data.

Back End Capacity: The capacity of the cache buffers in non-compressed VTVs.

Base Cache: The amount of cache utilized by the system and not available for customer data.

Collected Free Back End Capcty: The amount of free space collected from the cache buffer.

Defined Standard Capacity: The capacity of the cache for VTVs that are compressed.

ECAM-T Channel Programs: The number of ECAM-T channel programs processed.

ECAM-T Messages Processed: The number of ECAM-T messages processed.

ECAM-T Msgs Bypassed Buffer: The number of ECAM-T messages bypassed because no buffer space was available.

ECAM-T Msgs Bypassed Busy: The number of ECAM-T messages bypassed because the configuration was busy.

Free Back End Capacity: The amount of free space in the cache buffer.

Free Space Collect Bytes Read: The number of bytes read during free space collection for the cache buffer.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Non-Volatile Storage: The amount of non-volatile storage.

Offline Cache: The amount of cache that is offline.

Pinned Cache: The amount of cache that is pinned.

Redundancy Group Count: The count of redundancy groups.

TapePlex Name: The name of the tapeplex that contains this virtual tape subsystem.

Total Free Space Collection: The total amount of free space collected from the cache buffer.

VTSS Name: The name of the VTSS.