Storage Toolkit Result Summary

The Storage Toolkit Result Summary attributes provide a summary of the results from action requests that are either running or have completed.

Action Name: The name of the action.

Completed: Date/time that the action completed.

Execution Start: Date/time that the action request started.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Output Line Count: Number of lines of output.

Request ID: An ID number for the request.

Resource Count: Number of resources (VOLSERs, DSNs, and so on) that this action affected.

Result ID: An ID number for the result.

Return Code: Return code for the completed action.

Situation Name: The situation name associated with the toolkit command, if applicable.

Status: The status of the action. The status values are as follows:
  • Submitted
  • Executing
  • Completed
  • Cancelled
  • Scheduled
  • Held
  • Pending
  • BadToken
  • InvalidJCL
  • AuthorizationFailure
  • DataSetError
  • BadGroups
  • EmptyGroups
  • NonexistentGroups

Submitted: Date/time that the request was submitted.