Symmetrix Devices

The Symmetrix Devices attributes provide information about the physical disks in an EMC Symmetrix storage facility.

Buffer Ratio: The ratio of number of full buffers to number of empty buffers.

Cylinders: The number of cylinders mapped to the logical volume.

Director Number: The ID of the disk director managing this device.

Managed System: The SMS name of this system.

Mirror Number: The number of mirror volumes for this logical volume.

Not Ready Mirrors: The number of mirrors in a NOT-READY state.

Raid Type: The raid type, either raid 5 or raid 6.

RDF Device: The type of RDF device.

RDF Partner Symmetrix Device Number: The Remote Data Facility partner device number.

Remote Adapter Group: The remote adapter group.

SCSI Interface: The ID of the physical volume for which the logical volumes are being displayed.

Serial Number Index: The eight low order characters of serial number which serve as the control unit index.

SSID: The subsystem ID of the Symmetrix control unit that is controlling this device.

Symmetrix Device Number: The Symmetrix Logical device number.

Time Stamp: Displays the date and time this data was collected from the virtual tape server (VTS).

Valid Mirrors: The valid mirrors for this device.

Volser: The volume serial of a logical drive located on the physical drive.

Write Disabled Mirrors: The number of mirrors that are disabled for write.