SMS Storage Group

The SMS Storage Group attributes provide information about the SMS storage groups that have been defined.

Automatic Backup System/Group: Specifies the name of the system or system group that is eligible to perform automatic backup processing.

Automatic Backup: Specifies whether the DASD volumes in this pool storage group are eligible for automatic backup processing.

Automatic Dump System/Group: Specifies the name of the system or system group that is eligible to perform automatic dump processing.

Automatic Dump: Specifies whether the DASD volume in this pool storage group are eligible for automatic dump processing.

Automatic Migration System/Group: Specifies the name of the system, or system group, that is eligible to perform an automatic migration processing.

Automatic Migration: Specifies whether this storage group is eligible for interval migration, primary space management migration, both, or no automatic migration.

Breakpoint Value: For Extended Address Volumes (EAV), when a disk space request is this size or more, expressed in cylinders, the system prefers to use the cylinder-managed space for that extent. This applies to each request for primary or secondary space for data sets that are eligible for the cylinder-managed space. If not enough cylinder-managed space is available, then the system uses the track-managed space or uses both areas. When the size of a disk space request is less than the breakpoint value, the system prefers to use the track-managed area and if enough space is not available there, then the system uses the cylinder-managed space or uses both areas. A value of 0 means that all EAS eligible data sets is allocated in the cylinder-managed space of a EAV by DADSM as long as space is available.

Copy Pool Storage Group: The copy pool backup storage group associated with this primary storage group.

Description: The description of this storage group as entered by a storage administrator.

Dump Classes: Specifies up to five unique dump class names. When DFSMSHSM dumps DASD volumes that belong to the storage group it directs their contents to the dump classes.

Extend Storage Group: The extend storage group associated with this primary storage group.

Guaranteed Backup Frequency: Specifies the number days within the last backup period in which the backup process should have a copy of each of the data sets within the storage group. NOLIMIT specifies that data sets in the storage group are backed up according to management class specifications.

High Allocation Migration Threshold %: Specifies the upper limit, as a percentage of volume occupancy, above which new allocations to this volume is avoided by SMS, if possible. In addition, this threshold is used by HSM to determine whether data sets should be migrated off a DASD volume.

Last Update User ID: Specifies the user ID of the storage administrator who last updated this storage group definition.

Last Updated: Specifies the date and time this storage group definition was last updated by a storage administrator.

Low Allocation Migration Threshold %: The value that is used as the threshold goal in reducing the amount of space occupied on a DASD volume in the storage group during interval migration or daily space management. A value of zero causes all data sets in this storage group to be migrated if interval migration is also selected for this storage group.

Managed System: The SMS name of this system.

Overflow Storage Group: The storage group has been defined as an overflow storage group.

Storage Group Name: The name of this storage group as defined by a storage administrator.

Storage Group Type: Specifies the type of storage group defined by this row.

Tape Library1: Specifies the name defined by a storage administrator for one of up to eight tape libraries that can own volumes within this storage group.

Tape Library2: Specifies the name defined by a storage administrator for one of up to eight tape libraries that can own volumes within this storage group.

Tape Library3: Specifies the name defined by a storage administrator for one of up to eight tape libraries that can own volumes within this storage group.

Tape Library4: Specifies the name defined by a storage administrator for one of up to eight tape libraries that can own volumes within this storage group.

Tape Library5: Specifies the name defined by a storage administrator for one of up to eight tape libraries that can own volumes within this storage group.

Tape Library6: Specifies the name defined by a storage administrator for one of up to eight tape libraries that can own volumes within this storage group.

Tape Library7: Specifies the name defined by a storage administrator for one of up to eight tape libraries that can own volumes within this storage group.

Tape Library8: Specifies the name defined by a storage administrator for one of up to eight tape libraries that can own volumes within this storage group.

Tape Select: A tape library name used as an index value to find a storage group that can contain tape volumes owned by that library.

Track Managed Low Threshold %: Used as the threshold goal for the track managed area in reducing the amount of space occupied on a DASD volume in the storage group during interval migration or daily space management. This attribute specifies a lower limit, as a percentage of volume occupancy. A value of zero causes all data sets in this storage group to be migrated if interval migration is also selected for this storage group.

Track Managed High Threshold %: Specifies the upper limit, as a percentage of volume occupancy. When this value is exceeded, new allocations to this volume in the track managed area are avoided by SMS, if possible. In addition, this threshold is used by HSM to determine whether data sets should be migrated off a DASD volume.

VIO Maximum Size (KB): Specifies the maximum size, in kilobytes, of data sets to be allocated to VIO.

VIO Unit: Specifies the generic DASD device type that this storage group simulates.

Volser Select: A volume used as an index value to find the storage group that contains that volume.